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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I am a very proud owner of a 2001 Suzuki TL1000R
Here is what it looks like.... looked liked ....

This is how it looks now..

How it sits now..

I went on a really calm and easy ride with my best friend on a really easy calm road no cars ever go down. i was fallowing him and I remember going about 30/40ish about to go around this long sweeping curve, next thing I remember I was on the ground and my bike was behind me, as my friend keeps asking me how I was. I had no idea what happened and still don't.
Well after a while of laying down we tried to to start her up and she fired right up! I rode it back to his house. and left it there for now.
I will be ordering new fairings and some other parts soon, so I can get her looking good and be riding her again!

I got a lil banged up. But I actually wear gear so I am good no broken bones/road rash or anything.

Also I would like to add that I am not the type or rider that will speed dangerously on public roads I can/will/& have saved that for the track. I am am a very experienced rider. But it just goes to show anything and can happen to anyone.
I just wish I knew what I could have done wrong, I have a few ideas... But who knows.

Also I i posted this in the wrong section I am sorry
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Glad you're okay! That's awesome the bike still runs. I bet you'll have her looking and running great in no time.
Well, for starters - I am glad to see that you are still well, most cannot say the same after any wreck on their bike. I have to wonder if you hit some loose gravel, usually that is a pretty large culprit for things like this, unless an animal ran out, tire blew, etc. I'm pretty relaxed and will take your word that you were riding responsibly :)

That being said, knowing some of the people in this forum, I would not be surprised by someone complaining very shortly about the randomness of the post - Personally, I could care less and believe your health would be far more important, just be prepared to here a lot of 'wtf' etc.

Good luck with the new parts, and please, ride safely when all is back in order!:D
Glad you're okay! That's awesome the bike still runs. I bet you'll have her looking and running great in no time.

Thank you!

Well, for starters - I am glad to see that you are still well, most cannot say the same after any wreck on their bike. I have to wonder if you hit some loose gravel, usually that is a pretty large culprit for things like this, unless an animal ran out, tire blew, etc. I'm pretty relaxed and will take your word that you were riding responsibly :)

That being said, knowing some of the people in this forum, I would not be surprised by someone complaining very shortly about the randomness of the post - Personally, I could care less and believe your health would be far more important, just be prepared to here a lot of 'wtf' etc.

Good luck with the new parts, and please, ride safely when all is back in order!:D

Gravel is a good idea I don't remember seeing any but who knows.

And if someone gets angry about my post I am sorry.
As a fellow rider...

Diesel spills are common enough on backroads here to cause concern and they're damned near invisible, especially on chipseal, where they're also more treacherous.
Do you ever watch the MotoGP? riders get thrown off their bikes midcorner for seemingly no reason (it's usually because they touch the throttle too early).

Being a long corner, it may be the tyres just couldnt give enough grip and the bike slid from under you. Either way, I'm glad you're ok. It's a funny feeling ending up sliding along the floor, isn't it? I remember the only thing going through my mind was 'oh no, my bike' and nothing about my body (or getting the car that caused the accident to stay).

The only thing I get annoyed by now is people on R6s with shorts and tshirts and their helmets balanced on the top of their heads. If they had the same happen to them, they wouldn't be posting on a forum just after it! (Hint, they'd be getting tarmac picked out of them while they're sedated)
As a fellow rider...

Diesel spills are common enough on backroads here to cause concern and they're damned near invisible, especially on chipseal, where they're also more treacherous.

Hey maybe... Good possibility.
And as a fellow rider, Ride safe!

Do you ever watch the MotoGP? riders get thrown off their bikes midcorner for seemingly no reason (it's usually because they touch the throttle too early).

Being a long corner, it may be the tyres just couldnt give enough grip and the bike slid from under you. Either way, I'm glad you're ok. It's a funny feeling ending up sliding along the floor, isn't it? I remember the only thing going through my mind was 'oh no, my bike' and nothing about my body (or getting the car that caused the accident to stay).

The only thing I get annoyed by now is people on R6s with shorts and tshirts and their helmets balanced on the top of their heads. If they had the same happen to them, they wouldn't be posting on a forum just after it! (Hint, they'd be getting tarmac picked out of them while they're sedated)

I love motogp! lol
When I came to i guess, well the first thing that I remember after the wreck, was damn is my best friend okay? He was in front of me on his 07 R6, but i heard him asking if I was okay so, I knew he was fine!
You can see his boot in my third picture and you cant tell, but he wears a one piece suit when we go out just to ride, this time I did not wear mine :( I was wearing my textile jacket, gloves, boots, jeans, and a HELMET!

I am tired of seeing kids wearing not gear, and honestly most of the time they are the ones doing the most dangerous things.
Glad to hear you're ok. As a fellow motorcyclist, I'm glad to see you wore appropriate clothing. All too often you see folks who go for a "quick spin" in shorts, t-shirts, sneakers. Road rash happens - I don't care how hot it is - my skin is more important than being cool looking. I can replace a shredded leather jacket easier then my precious skin. Hope you get her fixed soon and ride safe brother.
Glad to hear you're ok. As a fellow motorcyclist, I'm glad to see you wore appropriate clothing. All too often you see folks who go for a "quick spin" in shorts, t-shirts, sneakers. Road rash happens - I don't care how hot it is - my skin is more important than being cool looking. I can replace a shredded leather jacket easier then my precious skin. Hope you get her fixed soon and ride safe brother.

Thank you I feel the exact same way!
You be safe too brother.
Good that you're okay.

Since everything works fine you can avoid blowing a bunch of money on those cosmetic parts. From the looks of things a dent puller, bondo, fiberglass, sanding and Duplicolor is all you need.

Unless those parts are not that expensive. Given how much original factory body parts are for cars. I'm just assuming they are as bad for motorcycles.
Fellow rider here. Glad to see you and your bike got upright again. Nothing hurts more than when I see a bike that has gone down. Ride an R1 myself. You obviously went down quick and a machine like yours is meant to be ridden hard. Had to be something on the pavement to cause your spill. Go back and have a look at the roadway and see if you can see anything. Not hard to put your bike back together. Have helped friends put theirs back together after similar situations as yours. Just expensive. All the best and keep two wheels down.
I am a very proud owner of a 2001 Suzuki TL1000R
Here is what it looks like.... looked liked ....


This is how it looks now..

How it sits now..


I went on a really calm and easy ride with my best friend on a really easy calm road no cars ever go down. i was fallowing him and I remember going about 30/40ish about to go around this long sweeping curve, next thing I remember I was on the ground and my bike was behind me, as my friend keeps asking me how I was. I had no idea what happened and still don't.
Well after a while of laying down we tried to to start her up and she fired right up! I rode it back to his house. and left it there for now.
I will be ordering new fairings and some other parts soon, so I can get her looking good and be riding her again!

I got a lil banged up. But I actually wear gear so I am good no broken bones/road rash or anything.

Also I would like to add that I am not the type or rider that will speed dangerously on public roads I can/will/& have saved that for the track. I am am a very experienced rider. But it just goes to show anything and can happen to anyone.
I just wish I knew what I could have done wrong, I have a few ideas... But who knows.

Also I i posted this in the wrong section I am sorry

I rode big bikes for years...At a guess I'd say you either hit a patch of oil on the road, OR..And get this checked out when you fix her up again, your brakes may have suffered a lock up..Check your pads and the entire braking system before you ride again, but I'm thinking oil. Glad you are okay, and will soon be riding again. BTW if you can prove there is oil on that stretch of road you might be able to claim against the Highways people...It's their job to keep the roads clean.
Also could be some diesel if you get the odd truck with heavily filled tanks they sometimes slosh some out, come a cropper to that myself.

I would ensure that the tank has no microleaks before you do anything near the bike, I had a friend who came off his bike, and the tank must of had a tiny fracture, even though he drove the bike home, later on his old man was in the garage with his cigar working on his BSA minute, fire brigade called :(
Ouch and ouch.. At least you were not hurt to bad. I would take the bike getting banged up more than the rider any day. But it does suck. But I would rather spend a few grand fixing it up than a few months in the hospital or worse!

Glad to see you are all good!
I wrecked a Suzuki once. My bad. BTW, I can tell you for sure that some bondo or whatever won't work for that damage!

Road rash is not a great deal of fun.
Also could be some diesel if you get the odd truck with heavily filled tanks they sometimes slosh some out, come a cropper to that myself.

I would ensure that the tank has no microleaks before you do anything near the bike, I had a friend who came off his bike, and the tank must of had a tiny fracture, even though he drove the bike home, later on his old man was in the garage with his cigar working on his BSA minute, fire brigade called :(

I just got home from the road and we found the what we think the problem was. I should have snapped a picture but I was a little to pissed to think of that.
There was like some blackish sand stuff I have no idea what it was. I have never seen it before. But that is what we think caused all of this.

Ouch and ouch.. At least you were not hurt to bad. I would take the bike getting banged up more than the rider any day. But it does suck. But I would rather spend a few grand fixing it up than a few months in the hospital or worse!

Glad to see you are all good!
Thank you!
I have found just about everything I need for the bike, and it should only cost me about $800-$900
Glad to hear you are okay. My AMA career ended up the road from you in Brasleton with s nasty spill thirty-four years go. I know, I am an old guy. You are absolutely spot on with the gear. Your bud in full race leathers my be a bit over the top, but I am okay with his choice ( I have ridden in my race leathers before, not so great for more than an hour or so.) as you can never be too safe. Been off the bikes for a while now, but I am in selection mode! ;) I am looking at an 848 Evo Corse Ducatti and an R1 50th Anniversary Edition Yamaha. However, a friend has thrown a wrench into my search by offering me a great deal on a 2009 1098R Ducatti, fly yellow and very low miles. There are a lot of great bikes out there and I am glad you will have yours fixed soon. Nice looking Suzuki you have there! :cool:
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