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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 9, 2018
Just for anyone wanting a real world low-tech review . Disclaimer, I am very much an amateur at this stuff.

I am replacing a 2009 iMac - so yes, this is a massive jump. I was hoping for an iMac refresh, but this setup looked too good to pass up - so I went in. I record music in GarageBand and do drone and goPro vids in mostly iMovie - 1080, not 4k yet. No real gaming, but that may come later.

Something obvious - don't use a BT mouse at setup, get a USB mouse - I used a wireless mouse, and wired keyboard, worked seamless.

I am using a new LG 34 3440 Wide screen curved Monitor, recognized immediately, looked perfect with no issues or setup at all. I used a 4k HDMI to USB-C cable from Amazon - Highwings - make sure it is a 4k HMDI cable. Great cable - thin and I didn't need to buy a USB-C monitor, saved me $400. The wide screen look of Mojave blew my hair back - it was at night and it came on in night mode - spectacular. I also connected a 60inch 4k Vizio with HDMI to HDMI. Again, crisp, clear, both came on immediately with no fuss.

Quiet, very quiet. I have to put my ear up to the machine to hear anything, and it is still hard to hear anything, even under load - (Garageband, iMovie, Youtube - 2 screens) Haven't heard the whining issue that has come up on the forum.

it gets warm, something a cat would love, but warm like an old Time Capsule - like asphalt on an 80 degree day - nothing at all really. Major editing may be different, haven't gone there yet.

It is blazing fast - I have an i5 7th gen PC, and this is fast.
I opened up GarageBand, and songs with 15-20 tracks opens instantly. GarageBand on these widescreens is sick - I wasn't sure if I would like it - wrong. I then switched GarageBand to 60inch, with iMovie playing a video I made with music and go pro - DJI, had a youtube window playing a 4k video - and this thing was not even working hard. No stuttering anywhere, don't think I will need an eGPU for awhile. Later when I switch to 4k editing maybe.

Activity Monitor
I had activity monitor up watching CPU, GPU, and RAM. It was using up to 11GB, so I think I made the right choice at 16GB. I can probably do with this for awhile without having to worry about taking it in immediately for an upgrade. 8GB would have been taxed out.

GPU interestingly enough, was maxing at 1/3 to 1/2 use - even when doing minor editing in iMovie while youtube blasting, and GarageBand blasting. The internal GPU had no issues, videos were absolutely smooth, CPU was in 1st gear the whole time usage less than 10% usage. I will do some more editing and music making tomorrow - will come back with those results.

This little beast Rocks, and I am very happy with the decision. I migrated over 500GB form the iMac, so I am glad I had a large TB to work with without any externals needed. Glad I didn't wait for the new iMac.
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