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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
Right now im running an i7 920 hackintosh with a 64bit geekbench score of 9086. I want to get a real mac either an iMac i7 or the stock mac pro. Obviously besides just the build quality of the mac pro partnered up without having to worry about Sleep kexts and such would be a benefit but im guessing the speed would be about the same. which makes me wonder is it really worth spending $2500 for the same speed? I have considered the imac cause its a little cheaper and i would at least get a 27" display out of the deal. So my question is what would I expect to get speed wise out of the 3?

I run protools do a little bit of video editing and I encode a lot of movies and stuff for my itunes library.
I too am running a i7 920 hackintosh and I guess it boils down to how well yours runs and if you have the cash to layout for an Mac Pro or iMac. Personally, I think Mac's in general are overpriced, some more then others, the Mac Pro line in my opinion it the most overpriced of them all, but that's just my opinion. I am happy with my system, it runs great and does everything I need, so I would never need to buy an iMac or Mac Pro, but if you want those extras that you mention and can afford it, then go for it, but I personally don't think the extra gain in performance from getting a real Mac will be worth what you pay.
I too am running a i7 920 hackintosh and I guess it boils down to how well yours runs and if you have the cash to layout for an Mac Pro or iMac. Personally, I think Mac's in general are overpriced, some more then others, the Mac Pro line in my opinion it the most overpriced of them all, but that's just my opinion. I am happy with my system, it runs great and does everything I need, so I would never need to buy an iMac or Mac Pro, but if you want those extras that you mention and can afford it, then go for it, but I personally don't think the extra gain in performance from getting a real Mac will be worth what you pay.

Yeah I kind of agree. I didn't want to post one of those "convince me" threads cause those drive me nuts. but i'm at the geekbench website and see that the imac i7 gets like 3 more points then my 920. My main problem with my hackintosh is a hum that comes thru the speakers. its driving me completely insane. I dont know if the motherboard has a short some where or if the case isnt built properly. I know I went thru 3 PSU's 2 years ago when I built it til spending the money on the pricey corsair PSU. I know it has nothing to do with the power cause ive tried arranging the plugs a million different ways. but im also tempted to just buy a new processor, mobo and more ram for less then half of what they want for an imac. I have the money but I think its kind of a pointless purchase just to fix a hum. id better off replacing my water damaged macbook with a new air. hmmm decisions decisions.
Can you OC your machine to make up a few points?

Typically humming is a grounding problem or something touching your audio cable.
Can you OC your machine to make up a few points?

Typically humming is a grounding problem or something touching your audio cable.

yeah ive tried hunting down the grounding issue like crazy. It even hums a little bit if I have the volume up when i scroll up and down on the magic mouse. Its always hummed even before I used the mobo audio and just used my interface.
the first 2 power supplies i could hear like an interference in them before they both died. the 3rd one has lasted 2 years with no issues runs great just the hum.

but I did oveclock a bit and had the thing running great at like 3.4ghz for awhile but for some reason the bios reset all the settings and I noticed awhile later it was running back at stock and havent bothered clocking it back up again.
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