iMac as an edit computer
Hey All-
I just wanted to weigh in on the question of whether the iMac makes a good FCP workstation. The short answer is yes, but as many people have mentioned in this thread it all depends on your needs. I speak from experience which comes from owning a production company that uses an assortment of Macs as FCP suites.
As a FCP workstation the 27" Quad-Cord i7 iMac is an excellent computer for FCP. Here's why:
1) Great High-Res monitor (above 2k resolution)
2) Great processor
3) You can upgrade to 8GB of RAM and run FCP w/o any major issues
With that said, remember your i/o options are limited.
What is Firewire 800 good for?
-PRO RES (not HQ, but unless you're doing high end broadcast you don't need HQ)
-All SD codecs
We use MacPro's for major graphics and long-form projects, but the iMac work stations are excellent for smaller projects, DVCPRO HD, Pro Res and SD projects. They also make great logging stations!
If you need more professional i/o options (ie: adding a Kona or Matrox device) you will want to go with a MacPro. The extra money is worth it.
As for FCP capture scratch and storage, I recommend an external HD array such as a G-Tech or Cal Digit. Something with Firewire 800. Again, you're more limited than a MacPro, but if you don't need the extra i/o options, it's a good choice.
A final note on FCP: We run Final Cut, Motion, Color, etc on a variety of Macs including heavy duty MacPros to 2+year old MacBook Pros. It all depends on what you're editing to determine how much computer you need. (BTW we're running the latest version of Final Cut Studio)
Hope this helps.
Good luck!