My app update became rejected with a 7.2 rejection that the iAd should not display if there is no ad. In my last update I included a new view controller. Slapped on iAD but it is using the same code and H and M files.
Here is my code I submitted.
It has been approved in the past... so now I was given this code snippet from apple
Should I take out my banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError and simple replace it with their code?
Also I searched and found this : App rejected because of hidden whenever ad content is not being served by iAd
which brings me to, my app iAD is on the bottom of a landscape I need to do anything else? Thank you for the help
Thank you
Here is my code I submitted.
#pragma mark iAd Delegate Methods
-(void)bannerViewDidLoadAd: (ADBannerView *)banner {
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[banner setAlpha:1];
[UIView commitAnimations];
-(void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error {
[UIView beginAnimations: nil context: nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0];
[banner setAlpha:0];
[UIView commitAnimations];
Banner View Delegate to Remove a Banner View When Advertisements are Not Available:
- (void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error
if (self.bannerIsVisible)
[UIView beginAnimations:@"animateAdBannerOff" context:NULL];
// assumes the banner view is at the top of the screen.
banner.frame = CGRectOffset(banner.frame, 0, -banner.frame.size.height);
[UIView commitAnimations];
self.bannerIsVisible = NO;
Also I searched and found this : App rejected because of hidden whenever ad content is not being served by iAd
which brings me to, my app iAD is on the bottom of a landscape I need to do anything else? Thank you for the help
Thank you
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