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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2010
Hello all,
I've been posting about repairing iBook G3's a lot, haven't I? ? Anyhow, I recently bought an iBook G3 for parts (and for dirt cheap as well) and I decided to try to get it back up and running. (No, this isn't the same as this iBook by the way). I also bought a new logic board as the one originally in there had a host of problems, including a dead GPU. It took me almost two hours, but I did manage to install the "new" logic board! The only problem is, after following all the instructions to the letter (I was following this iFixit guide I couldn't get it to power on. No hardware noise, no chime, nothing. This is both on battery and connected to AC power, by the way. I did take it apart again to make sure everything was connected and where it needed to be, and I even tried using another RAM module, no luck, still.
I really don't know what I could have done wrong when putting the replacement logic board in, but I don't know if I want to spend more hours taking this laptop apart again.
Any and all suggestions welcome. I'd be lying if I said I haven't reached quite a bit of an impasse at this point. I just hope I wasn't sent a bad logic board (or if I somehow broke it) after all this.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2010
Update: I searched the web to see if anyone had a problem similar to mine and one thing I thought was useful was that because I'd just replaced the logic board, I should just let the computer charge for a few hours... but that didn't make any difference.
Off the top of my head, I think that if the logic board wasn't already broken (even if I broke it somehow) the problem may even be with the power cord on the palmrest, but of course, I'm not sure about any of this.

Suggestions on what to try next are more than welcome!


Dec 17, 2015
Red Springs, NC
How low level do you want to get with your diagnostic?

You're basically at the point where you need the schematic and an oscilloscope. Not much help we can offer with that over the internet.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2010
Oh, wow-- I didn't know this could get this complicated! ? Please pardon my ignorance around this subject. I guess it's back to the drawing board on this one.
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macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
The only thing I can suggest is that in reassembling it you may have left a cable unplugged or damaged somewhere. If you still have the time and the inclination, strip it right down, make sure you have the logic board seated correctly. Try powering it up before you have all the peripherals attached and the top lid put back and see if you get any response from the logic board: lights, fans running etc. Then work backwards from that and see where the problem lies.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2010
Another update: I actually got it to turn on! I didn't replace all the screws in the bottom shield... ? I'm not seeing anything on the screen as of now, not even with a flashlight, so I know it's not the inverter (I'm wondering if I have a dead LCD or if this is just because I put a blank hard drive in there), but I did hear a chime, which I wasn't hearing before, so fingers crossed everything else is working! ?
EDIT: False alarm. ? After plugging the keyboard and the touchpad back in, I'm back to where I was before, with no signs of life. Could the keyboard (or the mouse?) be the problem? Should I go about buying another logic board? This has gotten really confusing pretty much out of nowhere.
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macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Depends how much time you want to spend troubleshooting this. The chime gives hope. It could be a screen issue or a GPU issue or a cable issue at present. I have had chimes and boot ups on PowerBooks, whose GPU connections were killed by battery leakage.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Should I go about buying another logic board?

If you purchase another logic board, make sure that you confirm with the seller beforehand that it's fully working. Otherwise you could end up repeatedly buying G3 iBook logic boards with dead GPUs. In what condition was this logic board described by the seller - working, untested etc? If it was the latter then I fear for the worst.

Do you have a VGA adapter so that you can connect it to a monitor? That will confirm very quickly whether the GPU has failed or if as @weckart has mentioned, the LCD and/or its cable are faulty and need replacing.

This has gotten really confusing pretty much out of nowhere.

Yeah, troubleshooting can be exhaustive and joyless. Which makes success all the more rewarding. :)
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macrumors newbie
May 18, 2022
I am not sure where to post this question and am sorry if this is the wrong place. My father-in-law knew everything about computers.... He has passed away but left an ibook G3 in his collection. I can't find a power supply. I figured I could just buy one off Amazon.... but it seems like there is no easy replacement. I have looked all over but it looks like I could easily by the wrong one. This is an blueberry G3. My mother-in-law would like for me to get it working. I don't really have skills. Thank you for any advice.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I am not sure where to post this question and am sorry if this is the wrong place. My father-in-law knew everything about computers.... He has passed away but left an ibook G3 in his collection. I can't find a power supply. I figured I could just buy one off Amazon.... but it seems like there is no easy replacement. I have looked all over but it looks like I could easily by the wrong one. This is an blueberry G3. My mother-in-law would like for me to get it working. I don't really have skills. Thank you for any advice.
Some info here.
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