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Luke Redpath

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 9, 2007
Colchester, UK
In case you missed it, iBooks is US-only. I wonder how long until it launches internationally. Will Apple permit other ebook readers like they have with the iPhone? Interesting times...
EEK if true I did miss that :eek:

One of the only truly compelling reasons for myself justifying purchasing the iPad. It took them an age to get iTunes up and running in Ireland and we still have feck all video content.

This is going to be the deal breaker for me unfortunately. :(:(:(:(
Apple's site says you can "Just download the [iBooks] app for free from the App Store", and I think he said they're using the ePub format. So presumably you can get ePub books from elsewhere, e.g. ...hopefully...or not.
Apple's site says you can "Just download the [iBooks] app for free from the App Store", and I think he said they're using the ePub format. So presumably you can get ePub books from elsewhere, e.g. ...hopefully...or not.

^ The problem is iBooks App will more than likely only be available in the USA iTunes store. Meaning we will not be able to download it from our international iTunes stores at all. If I try and download anything from US iTunes I just get error and redirected to Irish store.

As Appleguy says this is a licensing issue, and they can take FOREVER to get sorted....
Yep, this is a deal breaker for me as well. I have an iphone and macbook already so was looking for a portable e-reader/pdf viewer, held off on getting a kindle to wait for the tablet announcement.
As Appleguy says this is a licensing issue, and they can take FOREVER to get sorted....

The only thing in its favor is now that Amazon have sorted out international licensing for the Kindle, hopefully there is a template for others to follow. Specifically for the Nook and the iPad (Damn, who'd have thought the Nook is no longer the worst name out there).
Well all I can say is so glad I have a US iTunes account :D but I'd still need to fund it by Gift Cards which I'd rather not buy through eBay :(

I assume that iBooks won't be on the store until the iPad is released right?
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