I have 5 iCal calendars on my MacBook Pro. One of them is strictly for work. I ONLY need it on my computer. It has numerous entries that only apply to my work while I'm sitting in front of my computer at work. Unfortunately, it now sends endless reminders to all of my ios5 devices. If I click under calendars in iCal, all my calendars are part of iCloud. If I uncheck the "work" calendar, then that calendar information completely disappears from my computer. I want that "work" calendar to only be on my mac, not sending reminders to my ios devices. If I disable reminders, it stops all reminders from my remaining 4 calendars. I created a new calendar that temporarily was located "On my Mac". But after experimenting with iCloud, that new calendar was then "upgraded" to the cloud. Is there any way to 1. disable reminders from one calendar? 2. Prevent one calendar from syncing to icloud? 3. Keep one calendar strictly "On my mac."? or 4. Switch a calendar from "iCloud" to "On my Mac." Please help!