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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 20, 2007
Dude's, I have a long standing question that I have not been able to find the answer to.

First of all, I don't want to use mobileMe. I want to find out if it is possible to do this w/o mobileMe. Purchasing a small shareware might be a possibility.

What I want to do is have my iMac iCal, my iPhone Cal and my google cal all interconnected. Push or live updating is not critical.

Currently my iMac has 10.4.11 so I am aware that once I update to 10.6 iCal has CalDav support and should subscribe to google calendars natively. Then the google cal can sync to iphone either via exchange google sync, or by syncing with the imac (does it have to be either or can it do both?)

My problem is I already have a couple years worth of calendar information in iCal. It appears I can subscribe to google calendars in ical and add events that will sync up, but I really don't want more calendars to manage, I want to merge the items together so I have less calendars. I think that is the big stumbling block here.

Does anyone know how to merge existing iCal contents into google? I have spent hours searching for work arounds but have come up empty.

I look forward to your ideas. thanks
I had a lot of trouble under 10.5 before I found NuevaSync. I use it with great success to synchronize an iPod touch and two macs with Google. I haven't tried direct CalDav support on 10.6 yet.
Calgoo is free. I use it and MobileMe, iCal is syncing thru calgoo to google, then google to pocket informant. Not exactly what you are wanting, but it might work and the price is right.

It works well and fast from what I have seen in the 2 months or so I've been running it this way. I'm also running tiger on my main machine, I tried to sync mobile me to a leopard machine to use caldav and never got it to work right.
You can do this using caldav -- all free. Just setup iCal and your iPhone to sync w/ gcal. Google has instructions.
You can do this using caldav -- all free. Just setup iCal and your iPhone to sync w/ gcal. Google has instructions.

The problem is bi-directional sync. I believe iCal can receive info from Google Calendar but can't upload it well. It is the reason why apps like Spanning Sync and BusyCal exist. Ultimately, the best solution with iCal is MobileMe but it may not be worth it.

You can always use Gcal offline with Gmail Notifier on the Mac. Google Calendar may be ugly but it works well and has more features than iCal. It is the best solution and you will have the same kind of push calendar sync that MobileMe has (using Exchange) and it's free.
First off, I don't have a solution.

But I would like to say that I am using a similar system to you and it's fantastic. Unfortunately, I lost all of my calendar items when I did the switch.... Anyways, I'm doing Outlook -> Google Calendar CalDav <- iPhone and it's fantastic. It is so simple to use and highly convenient. The only thing I would warn you about is that you should set Google Calendar to not create an alarm by default. I was putting in items on my iPhone and it would send it to Google Calendar and Google would add in an alarm and then send it back to my phone ><..
I use Busysync to keep my Mini, MB, iPhone and GoogleCal in sync, ultimately to keep iCal insync with Pocket Informant on the iPhone. Works very well.
Sorry, reading it again I may have slightly misread your question! But Google Sync does definitely work!
calgoo screwed up my ical and iphone it created multiple duplicates for each event.

ical and iphone sync'd right via itunes. i have most of my calendar events on my phone/ical but i want to sync into google cal to list all my events there. any other apps to make this work?
calgoo screwed up my ical and iphone it created multiple duplicates for each event.

ical and iphone sync'd right via itunes. i have most of my calendar events on my phone/ical but i want to sync into google cal to list all my events there. any other apps to make this work?

I'm sorry it mucked up for you :( I have some duplicates right now but i can't blame calgoo (yet) because they appeared after my PI update last week... that i wasn't planning on doing because i hadn't read what i was supposed to do when i did it. Oops.

I don't know if there is anything out there free or not... here is the link to what Pocket Informant people have put together on syncing with Google.

ETA: on my own duplicate entries, that only showed up on Pocket Informant - so iCal and Google were correct, i did a "reset sync" in PI and it deleted them locally and pulled them down from google again, and all is correct. I just wanted to append that in case it came up for someone else in a search.
Sorry, reading it again I may have slightly misread your question! But Google Sync does definitely work!

speed 12

I'm having problems when I add something to my iphone cal, it doesn't show up on my ical Mac. (I have Iphone - google cal - Mac Cal). It will work if I click on the delegation calendars under preferences, but then I have copies of every event on my Mac ical. Did you have similar problems? Can anyone help me?
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