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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
We have a White Macbook running OS 10.5 and can't seem to get the iCal info into the Calendar in MobileMe. The Calendar is checked in the preferences but after doing a sync the MobileMe Calendar still doesn't have any of our event info.

Could sure use some help.
Have you logged into and updated the calendar through there? Also which OS. 10.5.?
Trying to get the MobileMe calendar to have the same events that are in iCal on the Macbook. I have checked off the Calendar option in the system preferences and clicked sync. But the MobileMe Calendar still shows no events. Also in iCal it's not showing the MobileMe address on the left side. The Macbook is running Mac OS 10.5.8 and iCal 3.0.8.

I should note that this computer is using MobileMe as part of the family plan and not the main computer this account.
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It doesn't matter whether your account is the main or one of the family accounts. All of them should sync.

There should be a sync symbol in the top right hand of your Mac front page(near where the time is displayed). It is a symbol with two arrows in the shape of a circle. Click on it to "Open system preferences", then click sync. At the bottom of the sync page, click advanced. Make sure that your computer is listed.

If all that is correct, make sure that calendar is ticked on the list of things to sync. Make sure that the calendars you have listed on your Mac are the same listed in the calendar box in Mobile Me. That was the problem for my husband when he tried to upgrade to the new calendar last night.

I'm pretty much a newbie too and I run a different OS, so that's about the extent of my knowledge.
Make sure that the calendars you have listed on your Mac are the same listed in the calendar box in Mobile Me.
I don't recall upgrading to the new calendar on the other computer with MobileMe. So as far as I know they are the same on both computers, but how do I know?

But what I understand is that the new Calendar doesn't work with OS 10.5.8 Leopard, the computer I am having this issue with. The other computer runs OS 10.6.6 Snow Leopard.
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Okay so apparently I did upgrade the calendar on my MBP, so I downgraded. But now all my events are gone. I did save the previous calendar events, but can't figure out how to put everything back automatically. Now it's screwed up on both computers.

I am so frustrated now because none of my calendar events on my computer will go to the calendar on MobileMe.

What a mess, not liking MobileMe right now!
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I've been having a similar issue, finally i worked out that I hadn't changed to my new mobileme password in the accounts tab in iCal preferences, works fine again now! :eek:
I had this problem as well. I opened iCal, went into preferences and then under the Accounts tab I removed the MobileMe account and just re-added it. Seems to be working fine now.
In the iCal app, make sure the boxes are checked for your MM account. Click on the triangle next to to your MM address on the left side of iCal. Checking the boxes in the ON MY MAC won't do it.
Hope this helps.
MM iCal sync has been acting wonky a couple days for me and I have changed no settings. It just won't work for an hour or two then starts working again. I think they are doing server maintenance and I am just leaving things alone. It has been working fine all day today.
In the iCal app, make sure the boxes are checked for your MM account. Click on the triangle next to to your MM address on the left side of iCal.
I previously had already done this, nothing changed. But now since downgrading the calendar, my MM address doesn't even show up on the left side of iCal.
Have you tried reinstalling iCal from the install disk? I had to reinstall Mail from it a few weeks ago and it went smoothly.

Edited to add info:
Here are the steps I took to reinstall Mail. If you choose to reinstall iVal, sub iCal for Mail in the instructions.

1. Remove from applications.
2. User/Library/Mail - Delete
3. User/Library/Application support/Mail -Delete
4. User/Library/Preferences/mail.plist - Delete
5. (Repeat steps 2-4 in the home directory (click devices then select your HD and look in left hand pane for same folders..)
6. Reinstall Mail from optional extras section on DVD
7. Download 10.6.0- 10.6.6 Combo and install

Then re-sync iCal from MM calendar.
Hope this helps.
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If I have to reinstall iCal, then I assume that means I would lose all my events. This is not something I am looking forward to doing.

I never used to use computer calendars before and now that I have my life on one, it will really hurt to lose my data.
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