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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 7, 2003
The 909
I just upgraded to Panther (clean install). When I start iChat AV a get an error

iChat Internal Error
*** -[ABPictureControl setService:]: selector not recognized

(buttons "Quit" or "Continue")

I get the same error again if I click the iChat icon while iChat is running.

The "Log In" menu item in the program is grayed out, and if I try to log in using the menu extra, it *looks* like it's logged in, but none of my buddies show up. If I try to open my AIM or Rendezvous "Buddy List", I get the error:

(null) is disabled
You must enable the service to display the list.

The buddy list window opens except instead of my name, it shows "Welcome to iChat!" and all other fields are blank.

I've tried deleting preferences and deleting/reinstalling iChat. Alto this is a clean install of Panther on a newly formatted drive...
iChat Error

I experience something similar, although for a different reason - if I try to use the space bar or key an apostrophe, when typing in the chat window, I get:

Invalid parameter not satisfying: (index >= 0) && (index < (_itemArray ? CFArrayGetCount(_itemArray) : 0))

In my case, I did an archive and install of Panther. Installing a new extracted copy from the install disks has helped no more than trashing the prefs. If I were unable to chat in audio, I'd really be going nuts!

Could there possibly be any connection with having run the beta?

I've gotten it to work (after almost a month of messing with it) by deleting everything iChat related and then using Pacifist to install all of the iChat components off of Panther Disk 1.

I still get an error when I try to change my "Buddy Picture", but at least it works for most things now.

I had a similar problem when I installed Panther with Mail -- the bottom (message view) panel didn't work. Delete and Reinstall using Pacifist seems to have fixed that too.

Maybe something wrong with the installer?
I thought I had done that - could you give a complete list of "everything iChat related?"

TIA - Nick
Here's what I deleted:

In /Applications:

In /System/Library:
Message.framework (Requires Admin Password)

In Library/Preferences in Home Folder:

In Library/Images in Home Folder:
iChat Recent Pictures

In Library/Caches in Home Folder: (Folder)

It probably was really only necessary to replace one of those files, but I don't know which one.
No joy…

I deleted everything on your list, and resinstalled with Pacifist - Message.framework had to be installed separately. The problem is just as before.

Two points of interest:

- there is now no file in ~/Library/Preferences;

- the new iChat was still able to find the old Buddy List.

The problem was LaunchBar 3.3b2 - I've just installed b3 abd iChat is working as advertised.

Originally posted by semiotek
No joy…

I deleted everything on your list, and resinstalled with Pacifist - Message.framework had to be installed separately. The problem is just as before.

Two points of interest:

- there is now no file in ~/Library/Preferences;

- the new iChat was still able to find the old Buddy List.


You need to use Rendezvous in order to have that prefs file, and buddy lists are stored at AOL, not locally.
I don't know either, but it was doing it to other Menu Bar stuff too.

Thanks for the info on the other two questions.

Nick out…
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