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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
I am trying to track down some software that will do the following.

Either shut the computer down, log a user out or cause iChat to quit after a set amount of time during a 24 hour period.

My parents want a program to do this so they can limit the time my little brother (12 y.o.) can spend on iChat every day. My little brother will sneak on while 'doing homework' or hide iChat behind other windows such as Safari. It has become very difficult for my parents to watch over his shoulder because of this. Is there a program or apple script or such that can do this? Or any other ideas? I have suggested just taking the computer away (it is an iBook) but my bro does use it for class work and such legitimate purposes at times. I have also thought about manually blocking his user log in from using iChat but then again that requires watching over his shoulder to see how long he has been on iChat. He should be allowed on for an hour or so for every 24 hour period.

Thanks for your help!!!
first, he would just have to stop the program from running. it wouldn't take a genius to do that.

the best to do this if you have broadband. lets hope you do. the next step is you need to have a router either wired or wireless. either one will have configuration utility that you can access from a web broswer. if you don't know how goto the manufactorers web site and get the manual and read it. after that you need goto the port configuration section. it is called different amongst the different brands. all you need to do is disable port 5190. that will block all aim/ichat/icq traffic from your house thus stopping *everyone* from chatting. accessing the router requires a password so don't give it to him. you can also setup this up to access to the router over the internet. again read the manual. so you parents can do this from work or where ever.
i should be able to go in and disable his using or altering of the program (just like you can turn on and off the use of any program under a limited account) but i would also expect if there exists such a program it would require a password to turn on and off that i would not tell him! as for the router thing yes that would work, but that requires sitting over his shoulder watching how long he has been on iChat etc. . . . i could always set it to open/close the port durring certain times, but then my bro would have to chose the exact times he wants to chat.

in terminal i can type in 'uptime' to see how long my computer has been running. . . i should be able to time a program . . . shut it off after a certain amount of time and reset the timer every 24 hours. im sure i could find a way to program it myself, but i am not the best programer and dont feel like spending the time for it. so i was just wondering if there is something out there that would do that. . . there must be! with all the parental controls for M$ machines there must be some program or 2 made for the mac!!!
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