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Jun 15, 2000
I am trying to get the screen name that is logged in on iChat using AppleScript and can't figure out how (or maybe it's not possible?).

This code works for me on iChat AV Beta 2.1 (v151) with 3 different screen names:

tell application "iChat"
set a to (handler of every account in (every service where name is "AIM") where status is available or status is away or status is idle)
display dialog last item in a as string
end tell

However a few other people have reported this code doesn't work and I am not able to test it out on other machines. Can anyone tell me if this shows your screen name? And what iChat version you're running?

(I'm writing a new iChat utility program...beta soon) :)
I have no clue what this script is, and under iChat 2.0 v145, it returns a friends sn (in a dialog, it says the sn, then with options cancel and ok, ok default), not even one that I am talking to, or last talked to, but one I tried to talk to, then closed iChat, later logged in again, and that person is idle. Wow that was a long sentence. Weird, what is the script supposed to do?
Good luck,
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