you do not want to be able to send files through firewalls, that's how prohgrams that send viruses get made and use that to get it, i don't care if it's an incovience to college kids that they can't get files soemtimes, but it should never break a firewall, it defeats the purpose.
video!! hell yea, i'd buy a cam if ichat could do video, and audio of course.
ability to change size of names in buddy list, it's just to big on the screen when doing other things.
i'll think of more. maybe one click emails, like right click on the name, send email and send it right through ichat using mail connection? that'd be neat.
away messages when you click on your name need to be either made smaller or have like a sub menu cause i have a few and i always have to delete some otherwise it drops to like the bottom of the screen.