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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 21, 2019
Afternoon, first time post so please be gentle.

I'm currently in a glass case of emotion at the minute with everything iCloud...

I purchased the iPhone Xs on launch day and everything worked great. Restored from iCloud (50GB) and everything from my iPhone 7 pulled through great. No problems at all.

2 weeks ago, Xs got really hot and died on me. After an investigation by Apple it turns out the phone was water damaged (badly corroded and rusty inside) which was concerning as the phone had never been under water let alone up to IP68 limits.

Replacement phone from insurance received and upon setting up, shown no iCloud back up available from previous phones at all. Nothing. Set up as a new phone, logged in to iCloud and all photos etc pulled through except no videos at all. All video files have gone. They are not on my Photo's App on my MBP or within iCloud.

Also, my new Xs is now not pulling through my iCloud photos that are showing in iCloud photos.

I've been in comms with Apple for the past 3 days and they have no idea what has happen and have 'escalated' the case. I've literally spoken to about 7-8 people over the phone.

So my question is... Where have my iCloud back ups gone from my first iPhoneXs and previous iPhone7 and where have my videos vanished to that were on iCloud on my previous iPhones from the last 3,4,5 years?

All help and advice is greatly appreciated as i've ran out of all plausible logic.
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