I go to turn on iCloud Backup thru settings and get the error message " There was a problem enabling iCloud Backup" When I try again the same thing happens.
Thought it was just me...but seems I'm not the only one in the same boat. Anybody have a fix or is this Apple staggering the droves of iClouders making their initial backups?
I go to turn on iCloud Backup thru settings and get the error message " There was a problem enabling iCloud Backup" When I try again the same thing happens.
If you think about the sheer volume of Backups... Let's say there's 30 million iOS5 users (who have downloaded and updated to iOS5) times an average of 10GB per backup... That's an insane amount of data to be thrown at Apple at once...
I'm hoping the reason is that they're staggering the inflow of data. I don't know of another time in history that this much data has been sent towards a company, it's usually streamed from it.
Don't you guys get under iCloud\Storage & Backup it says:
Total Storage: 5.0GB
Available: 5.0GB
Manage Storage >
Buy More Storage
I'm assuming it's not just cause i'm in Australia i'm getting those limits show up.
i found that i could enable iCloud backups like so...
when the device is connected to iTunes, by going into the device (where the info/music/photos/podcasts tabs are etc) you get the various backup and sync options.
you can enable wifi sync in there, (doesn't seem to work on actual settings of device either) and you can also select iCloud backup rather than computer backup.
once enabled in itunes, they are enabled in the actual device settings. the actual backup still fails, BUT thats the only way i found to be able to enable the options in the first place!
lets hope, as suspected here, the backups aren't going through to manage traffic over the first couple of days.
ps, if wifi sync with iTunes is enabled, EDIT - if you want to sync to the computer for a physical backup copy of the device - you have to manually select the device and click backup as its not automatic when plugged in anymore, apparently.
the wifi backup is brilliant tho. ill still do manual backups to my computer every so often tho, especially until this iCloud backup actually works....!