Anyone know if icloud is billed through itunes?
The reason being is that if you buy itunes giftcard and you have say netflix bill through them it would give you a discount if you buy cheap itunes giftcards.
I'm pretty sure you can't have Netflix billed through them. Just iCloud services and iTunes content. And App content. And Apps.
Yes, but how do you have Netflix billed through iTunes/them?
Obviously, so that Apple can get their 30% cut of the feeYou can do that by subscribing to Netflix on an AppleTV. Apparently, Apple requires that all applications on the AppleTV allow for iTunes billing.
So nobody has any ideas as to how to bill iCloud extra storage through iTunes credit? Sigh, I guess I'll have to go into a store and ask a human...
Thanks, but technically the process takes place outside of iTunes and I just so happen to have credit with it. Are all purchases auto-routed through it even if they take place outside of iTunes/App Store?Whenever iTunes generates an invoice and charges your account, if there is credit on that account it will be used up to the full amount of bill. Anything that cannot be paid for through credit is charged to the card held on file. So it's automatic.