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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
Noticed this yesterday, but did they just change the 'home' button on to 'Launchpad?' Or am I that unobservant? I use the site every day, so I think I would've noticed. Kinda nice cosmetic change either way, makes for better consistency, though having an actual in macOS seems silly to me. Now I'm just waiting for them to add a Music app to, that would be amazing.


macrumors 601
May 30, 2010
Oho, I see! I could swear that I saw it happen as it happened, but that seems a bit unlikely. XD
It's possible you witnessed it change if your browser had an old cache which then refreshed or if it's a gradual site update.


macrumors 68020
Mar 3, 2004
UK, Europe
I'm thinking they probably did this so that there wouldn't be any possible confusion with the new iOS 10 Home app. I like the consistency too though.
Noticed the change today (signing-in to on my work computer) and immediately thought it helps unify with macOS and helps avoid confusion with Home in iOS 10.

I do find it odd - for Apple - that there's no consistency in the greys used (Settings has a warmer hue while the Launchpad icon is a blue grey).
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 24, 2015
Mountaintop Lair
And the grey of the Contacts app looks to be a little different as well! Only hue that seems to be consistent is that of Mail, iCloud Drive, and Keynote. The new Launchpad icon does make the Settings one look a little bad though, a lighter grey would be nice. Guess they gotta keep 'em disparate, though.
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macrumors 68000
May 13, 2008
Gahh, now that you guys have pointed it out to me, the different grays will totally bug the crap outta me. :confused: It's the little things...

And I absolutely agree that Music, Videos, even Podcasts, Books, and Home apps for iCloud would be freaking sweet. I bet they'd get a ton more people subscribing to those kinds of services if they were more readily available via the web.
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