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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2008
When I go to settings and entire my .me account info in iCloud the app crashes.. If I enter my Gmail account info it works..... WTF!!! Is it crashing because there are so many people moving to iCloud from .me? kinda sucks...
I am having the exact same issue on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2. Haven't yet found a solution. Anyone else find a workaround/fix?
  1. Turn off Internet connectivity (airplane mode works).
  2. Delete the offending account.
  3. Turn Internet conenctivity back on.
  4. Configure iCloud.
Delete account didn't work, still crashes...

iPad 2, still crashes when I try to use the music app, even after a full delete of my iCloud account on my iPad, and set it back up.
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