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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2015
St Petersburg, FL
Hello all,

I am wondering if there is some way to move the files that are synced in the documents folder so that rather than being stored on the internal SSD the documents are stored on and reside on a permanently connected external HDD on my iMac. Reason being is I would like to move my Calibre library to iCloud Drive, but do not want to have the large library synced and stored across my internal storage...

Is there some way to do this? Any suggestions?



Staff member
Jan 23, 2005

You should be able to leave the files in the external drive then use the app MacDropAny to create a symlink between that folder and iCloud Drive and the files would be synched up to iCloud Drive.

The only thing I am unsure of is what would happen if the external drive is disconnected. I don't know if iCloud Drive would then remove all the files from iCloud. Maybe set it up and test with a few small files?
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2015
St Petersburg, FL

You should be able to leave the files in the external drive then use the app MacDropAny to create a symlink between that folder and iCloud Drive and the files would be synched up to iCloud Drive.

The only thing I am unsure of is what would happen if the external drive is disconnected. I don't know if iCloud Drive would then remove all the files from iCloud. Maybe set it up and test with a few small files?
Will do and report back. Thanks as always, @Weaselboy :cool::apple:
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2015
St Petersburg, FL

You should be able to leave the files in the external drive then use the app MacDropAny to create a symlink between that folder and iCloud Drive and the files would be synched up to iCloud Drive.

The only thing I am unsure of is what would happen if the external drive is disconnected. I don't know if iCloud Drive would then remove all the files from iCloud. Maybe set it up and test with a few small files?
So after trying some files, it seems this app will not fully do what is intended. Since the File is actually being moved from the External HDD when synced with MacDropAny to the ‘iCloud Drive’ folder internal to my iMac. There seems to be a deeper elaboration on why this is here: (Italic Emphasis mine.)
Can I use MacDropAny to sync folders on external drives?
Yes, it is possible to use MacDropAny to sync folders located on external hard drives with the cloud. Just use MacDropAny as normal. When you are asked which folder you'd like to sync with the cloud, navigate to the folder on the external drive, and select it. There are several caveats to bear in mind when syncing folders on external drives with the cloud:
  • As explained in the "How does MacDropAny work?" section, when you are syncing folders with any cloud storage service except Dropbox and Copy, the original folder will be moved to the cloud folder, and a symbolic link will be made in the folder's original location to its new location in the cloud folder. If it is important to you that the actual files be located on the external drive, then MacDropAny may not be a good solution for you.
  • If you are using MacDropAny to sync a folder on an external drive with Dropbox or Copy, and you disconnect the external drive from your Mac (for example, you unplug the external drive), then the cloud storage service will think that you have deleted the files, and consequently the folder contents will be deleted from the cloud and your other devices. When you re-connect the drive to your Mac, syncing should resume, and the files will be undeleted in the cloud.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2011
Are you looking to just backup your files or do you also need them to sync so you can have access on another device?

If you need to sync you should be able to use DropBox with macDropAny. If you just need backup look at BackBlaze. $5/month unlimited includes external devices.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I could be misunderstanding your request but it seems like you just want the iCloud connectivity.

Turn on the icloud drive and make sure you select Documents and Desktop. If your Calibre library is not in the documents folder, copy it there and it will be uploaded to the cloud. It will no longer be on your Mac.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2015
St Petersburg, FL
Are you looking to just backup your files or do you also need them to sync so you can have access on another device?

If you need to sync you should be able to use DropBox with macDropAny. If you just need backup look at BackBlaze. $5/month unlimited includes external devices.
I could be misunderstanding your request but it seems like you just want the iCloud connectivity.

Turn on the icloud drive and make sure you select Documents and Desktop. If your Calibre library is not in the documents folder, copy it there and it will be uploaded to the cloud. It will no longer be on your Mac.
View attachment 753180
The main issue is that I do not want the Calibre library to be stored on the internal SSD, but rather continue to reside on my External HDD. The only cloud service where I have nearly enough space to sync the library is iCloud Drive, so I will need to use this service, and not dropbox. I am not concerned with backing up the files, but having them in the cloud as another location would not hurt.


macrumors regular
Dec 24, 2009
The main issue is that I do not want the Calibre library to be stored on the internal SSD, but rather continue to reside on my External HDD. The only cloud service where I have nearly enough space to sync the library is iCloud Drive, so I will need to use this service, and not dropbox. I am not concerned with backing up the files, but having them in the cloud as another location would not hurt.

Did you ever get this figured out? I also want to move my Calibre library to iCloud.
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Mar 15, 2008
The main issue is that I do not want the Calibre library to be stored on the internal SSD, but rather continue to reside on my External HDD. The only cloud service where I have nearly enough space to sync the library is iCloud Drive, so I will need to use this service, and not dropbox. I am not concerned with backing up the files, but having them in the cloud as another location would not hurt.

Did you ever get this figured out? I also want to move my Calibre library to iCloud.

I think the only way to do this is by enabling "Optimize Mac Storage" in iCloud settings. If you start to run out of room on your HDD, it removes the local copy but leaves in in tact in iCloud. And you can still leave a copy on the external. There isn't any kind of selective sync for iCloud, unfortunately (though I wish there was). Not exactly what you are looking for but I think that's as close as it gets for iCloud.

You can just open a new free Dropbox or GDrive account to store it though if you really just want it in the cloud and not on your HDD at all.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2015
St Petersburg, FL
Did you ever get this figured out? I also want to move my Calibre library to iCloud.
I think the only way to do this is by enabling "Optimize Mac Storage" in iCloud settings. If you start to run out of room on your HDD, it removes the local copy but leaves in in tact in iCloud. And you can still leave a copy on the external. There isn't any kind of selective sync for iCloud, unfortunately (though I wish there was). Not exactly what you are looking for but I think that's as close as it gets for iCloud.

You can just open a new free Dropbox or GDrive account to store it though if you really just want it in the cloud and not on your HDD at all.

No I never was able to get this figured out. Until there is some form of selective sync between the files and iCloud Drive, I do not see it being a viable possibility. I do agree that Optimize storage would work, but I prefer to have a majority of documents actually stored on iMac because they are then captured by TM, and rather than solely a sync service it is more akin to a backup & sync as well. Optimize storage would work if it were more able to be configured by the user, but I am assuming that as is usually the case with Apple they have less options to attempt to make it more 'user friendly' (i.e. Disk Utility feature mutilation)
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macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2012
Hi. I have also looked into this. The logic of ICloud Drive is very stupid (imho). It assumes either that you have enough storage to completely mirror what is on your hard drive with the cloud, and it does not allow to use an external harddisk to expand the storage capacity on the harddrive side. Or, with 'optimize storage', it assumes you will put *all* your files in the Cloud, and use your laptop basically as a terminal to access files in the Cloud. In that case, however, there is no real backup, unless you trust Apple's servers. But they do not call it a backup. (And to make things complicated your iPhone *can* be backed up to that same iCloud, but not your macbook). Furthermore, if you have multiple devices with the same AppleID (NEVER DO THIS) - everything gets mixed in the cloud (especially photos) with the result that you cannot even go back to the old situation as there is no simple way to put back the 100GB of photos to this one laptop and 200GB to the other and so on. What the OP is asking here would be perfect: you have an EXTERNAL harddisk that you sync with the cloud, which keeps your laptop nice and clean, and which does ensure that you have your stuff at least in 2 places: a physical device and the cloud. (yes that is also a physical device I know).

My theory is, that Apple is doing this on purpose, in order to make users more dependent on cloud: we gradually lose control over our files, and at some point will no longer bother: "it's in the cloud and too complicated".

I would have really liked the Cloud to be a place where I get to choose what to do with it: use half of the space as backup space, another part to sync files between devies, and so on.

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