Anyone that has the betas running could you please confirm this. In finder I have my icloud drive where I can put any documents, PDFs etc just like dropbox. Furthermore it shows you folders of all my pages, numbers etc documents that I could previously only see straight from the app.
My question is does this also apply to the new icloud photo library and will I see a folder that contains all my pictures. The photos app does export all your photos to icloud if you turn on icloud photo library on your ios device.
I wonder if you have to manage them only through the photo app (on osx not till 2015) or do you get a folder called for example "photo library" (like it does with pages etc) where I can manually manage them.
Thanks for any replies
Anyone that has the betas running could you please confirm this. In finder I have my icloud drive where I can put any documents, PDFs etc just like dropbox. Furthermore it shows you folders of all my pages, numbers etc documents that I could previously only see straight from the app.
My question is does this also apply to the new icloud photo library and will I see a folder that contains all my pictures. The photos app does export all your photos to icloud if you turn on icloud photo library on your ios device.
I wonder if you have to manage them only through the photo app (on osx not till 2015) or do you get a folder called for example "photo library" (like it does with pages etc) where I can manually manage them.
Thanks for any replies