Badrottie Suspended Original poster May 8, 2011 4,317 336 Los Angeles Oct 5, 2013 #1 I noticed iCloud website still have all iWork beta? There is no final version?
satcomer Suspended Feb 19, 2008 9,115 1,977 The Finger Lakes Region Oct 5, 2013 #2 Badrottie said: I noticed iCloud website still have all iWork beta? There is no final version? Click to expand... The final version probably be when 10.9 is officially released.
Badrottie said: I noticed iCloud website still have all iWork beta? There is no final version? Click to expand... The final version probably be when 10.9 is officially released.
danpass macrumors 68030 Jun 27, 2009 2,780 624 Glory Oct 9, 2013 #4 I was trying it now with Pages. Any change immediately syncs across all the platforms (desktop, ipad, iphone). It just operates in a new browser window. Very cool.
I was trying it now with Pages. Any change immediately syncs across all the platforms (desktop, ipad, iphone). It just operates in a new browser window. Very cool.