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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 12, 2014

some one use every day iCloud Mail? Actually the reliability is increased and is comparable to Gmail?
Gmail has a level of usage and acceptance worldwide that iCloud mail does not have.

The failures of MobileMe haunt Apple when it comes to it's past performance. iClouds issues have been well publicized, it's the kind of things that consumers fear.

Then there's the fact that there is no advantage to using iCloud other than for the personal satisfaction that some people gain that feel an emotional connection to Apple.
I don't understand, some people tell that iCloud mail is not very good and other tell that work great. Very strange.

Some people talk about Gmail as the perfect email in terms of protection, reliability and service... but the privacy?!
I don't understand, some people tell that iCloud mail is not very good and other tell that work great. Very strange.

Some people talk about Gmail as the perfect email in terms of protection, reliability and service... but the privacy?!

iCloud mail has been perfect. Since gmail stopped EAS you need to fetch or use the gmail app for notifications.
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It's not perfect by any means, assuming you want to reliably send and receive email.
Apple silently discard messages based on their broken content filters.

Members of our ski club mailing list with and accounts don't receive any posts because the footers contain the web site URL:
I found all mail containing the phrase in the body or subject was discarded, whether from or to apple addresses.

It took 2 hours on the phone to support to prove there was a problem and three weeks later it's still not been rectified.

There should be a simple system for reporting false positives.

iCloud email is not fit for purpose.
I have just switched to iCloud email recently. I liked the idea of it and decided why not give it a go! : )
iCloud mail for the most part is very reliable. If you are using the email address for personal reasons rather than critical work or school needs, then give it a go.
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For me, the iCloud reliability has been horrible. I receive a lot of email from Russia and half the time messages were either silently discarded or delayed by several hours. I can't believe they can't fix these problems since at least 2011.
For me, the iCloud reliability has been horrible. I receive a lot of email from Russia and half the time messages were either silently discarded or delayed by several hours. I can't believe they can't fix these problems since at least 2011.

What services have been better for you?
I should probably say that I used Gmail for many, many years. My biggest reservation is that there is no push support with the native Mail app.

That's the biggest reason I've been considering Outlook -- EAS on mobile with Exchange support on the desktop, as it has been rolled out for my account in the move to the Office 365 infrastructure already.
I have been using Apple mail since it was the old and you paid for it. Never have had any real issues, other than spam. Reliability has been just fine over the years and it's even better now than it used to be. I also use gmail and my isp offered mail. All of them are on a par and I don't have any complaints, especially with Apple's service.
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