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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 31, 2007
Hello - I have iCloud Messages turned on for all of my devices. When I deleted all of my messages on my iPhone, my messages on my Mac did not delete. It looked like some may have. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
i'm having the same problem. i've chalked it up to a version 1.0 bug and await iOS 11.4.1 and macOS 10.13.6 to hopefully iron out those issues...
How long did you wait for the delete to propagate to all of your devices? They may just be queued up and will eventually complete.
Not too bad. I think what I'll do maybe is just start fresh and erase all messages on all devices...
They may not be able to delete historical messages that existed prior to iMessage synch. There may not be a universal identifier that let's the software know that message x on device a is the same as message x on device b. Just a guess...
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