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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2016
Not Quite Phoenix
I'm having an ongoing issue with pictures syncing correctly and showing an identical state between my macOS Sierra iMac, and an iPhone 7 and iPad Air 2, both runnin iOS 10.0.2.

I have roughly 5,700 pics organized into roughly 2 dozen folders.
  • On the iCloud website, everything shows and is fine.
  • In the macOS Sierra Photos app, everything is there, but some pics are blanks with either a cloud (iCloud?) glyph or an exclamation point glyph.
  • On the iOS devices, all the FOLDERS are there, but there are pics missing from most of them.
An album will show 68 pictures in the macOS Photos app (and on the iCloud website), but only 17 of them show on my phone and iPad.

In Settings > Photos & Camera, I have "iCloud Photo Library" toggled to ON, of course. I also have "Download and Keep Originals" checked. Everything else is set to OFF.

How can I get everything to match correctly?
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