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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 11, 2019
Hi Guys,

Long story short - I have always used iCloud mail with Apple devices. For work purposes I have started using iCloud with Outlook. In doing that my sent mail boxes were not syncing across devices. After hours of headachce a few weeks ago I was able to get everything in sync. But today I was having issues with my Outlook and accidentally deleted my sentbox - I quickly went to my Mac and copied my sentbox in the Mac Mail app into a folder in mac mail as a backup. Now when trying to move my entire email history back to my sentbox it has finally been copied back but now ALL of my emails in my sentbox on or my phone have lost their sent date! I am able to get them in order in mac mail trough View--> Sort By.

But if I cant solve this now that means on all other devices in the future my dates will be wrong and of the date they were imported back into my sent box. I have searched for hours online to no avail - there must be a solution I really didn't think apple would make using icloud on a PC such a pain.

Any and ALL help would be GREATLY appreciated as this is my email account with the most traffic for work -- so this is really complicating things for me right now.

Thanks for any advise
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