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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2010
I'm trying to understand how the Activity stream is supposed to work for Shared Photo albums.

When I create an iCloud Shared Photo album, and one of the people I shared the album with leaves a comment or Likes a photo, I see it on the activity stream.

It also seems like when someone leaves a comment or Likes a photo, *everyone* the album is shared with also sees that on the Activity stream. Right?

I just ran into some weird wife created a Shared photo album, and I added some photos to it.
When a shared person leaves a comment on the photos my *wife* added, only she sees it on her Activity stream. And vice versa.

If *she* added a photo and I commented on it, *only then* will *I* see additional comments on that photo. If she added a photo and I don't comment or Like it, then I won't see anyone's comments/Likes on that photo.

But I thought the general behavior is that *everyone* on the shared albums "see" all activity? Am I missing something? Is this the way it's supposed to work?
I believe that is the way it is supposed to work. The theory being you only see activity on items you have shown an interest in, by liking it for example. To be honest I suppose it's quite a general trend in social networking - on Facebook and Twitter it's largely the same; on MacRumors you only get notifications for threads you've participated in; and so on.
The whole idea of "likes" on photos shared among your friends and family is somewhat absurd. I really hate the way Apple has implemented sharing in iCloud Photos.
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