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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 31, 2016
Hello everyone,
I'm asking help from developers because the problem I have is kinda strange...

The other day, I restored my iPad mini 4 and iPhone 6S with iOS 10.1.1
Then in iCloud data storage options, I decided to delete the data from an app called "Pillow" which tracks your sleep. I was thinking, well I'm starting with a clean device let's continue the cleaning to start fresh...

No problem, the data was erased. Then I installed all my apps, as well as Pillow.

Now here is the thing: The Pillow app doesn't sync anymore. The app asked me do you want to use iCloud, yes! of course, etc

I tried to install this app on my girlfriend's iPhone, with 10.1.1, no problem as soon as you enable iCloud in the app I can see the data in her iCloud account.
I tried to restore my iPhone and iPad once again. Still the same issue...

So I think it's something with my account. How to solve this? I have a Mac if I need to delete files or whatever. But the only thing I find on the Mac related to this app, is a folder in the Bird folder in CloudKit.

Could it be only iPhone 6s related? Because my girlfriend has an iPhone 6.
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