I have been locked out of my icloud account for approximately one month now :-( I can't do anything on my phone that requires my password . my password has always been the same so it's not that I FORGOT my password . when I called apple support they advised me that it's because I have a two factor security . supposedly my account is in recovery process and I should be receiving a text message with instructions on how to RESET my password . it's been one month and I have not received that text . apple support just keeps telling me that I have to be patient and wait for that text message . in the meantime, I'm limited with what I can do on my ipnone 7 . any tips on what to do ? do I just wait ? should I lose hope at this point ? I'm afraid I've been locked out of my account forever . :-( thank you .
I have been locked out of my icloud account for approximately one month now :-( I can't do anything on my phone that requires my password . my password has always been the same so it's not that I FORGOT my password . when I called apple support they advised me that it's because I have a two factor security . supposedly my account is in recovery process and I should be receiving a text message with instructions on how to RESET my password . it's been one month and I have not received that text . apple support just keeps telling me that I have to be patient and wait for that text message . in the meantime, I'm limited with what I can do on my ipnone 7 . any tips on what to do ? do I just wait ? should I lose hope at this point ? I'm afraid I've been locked out of my account forever . :-( thank you .