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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 10, 2013

I've been trying to evaluate a could storage bundle with basic "office productivity" tools like basic spread sheet, text editor and slides / power point like functionality etc.

My spread sheet and text editor needs are basic - just simple tables, graphs, pivot tables, mail merge etc, and text is mostly for official communication

I'm a windows PC user but an iPhone user so I'm trying to compare and decide between icloud cloud suite vs one drive cloud suite

Anything under $10 p.m. is ok (for the bundle)

Having said above, I see
* icloud to be slow slow, and having very basic fucntionality vis a vis MS One drive
* is that because I'm using a windows PC
* I'm converting my XL files to numbers ? etc

or is it that iCloud is still got to evolve while apple is focusing elsewhere ?

Also, do we have some other completely different combo, Like an Amazon drive with Libre Office Calc, Libre Writer etc

any advise would be greatfully acknowledged



macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2009
related thread:

iCloud lacks folder sharing, but if your sharing needs are minimal, or file based, it is a possibility. It will keep any file you place there in its current format. Not sure about speed on Windows, but on Mac it is not bad.

One Drive has some Office 365 integration hooks, so if you need those kinds of things, it might be worth considering. It does offer folder sharing and can be integrated with iOS Files app.

Amazon Drive doesn't seem to integrate with other cloud drives as well as some of the others from my limited experience. I use it sparingly. Not sure about iOS Files integration.

Bottom line, price\amount of storage are probably the most important factors for you. All can sync files between PC-Cloud-iOS. If sharing is a need, One Drive may be a better bet due to folder sharing. Also, who you share with and what they use may factor in.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 13, 2011
Brooklyn NY
OneDrive only because it comes with Office 365 with 5 users that can use it with 1TB each. I hope soon MS should increase to 2TB.
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macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
One drive works very well with both Mac OS and Windows.

Make a folder on your desktop, and create additional folders within that folder to hold your files.

Set the main desktop folder to be your OneDrive folder, and everything in it will automatically sync with the cloud.

I use it so that everything I need is available on all my computers all the time. No matter whether I’m in front of a Mac or PC, everything is always there and synced.

Google Drive seems clumsy, and is usually glitchy for me. But I’ve used it a lot within other organizations. But I really don’t like fighting with it.

I’ve also used Google Docs, and spend all my time fighting with it too.

Apple’s iCloud is too complicated. A huge hassle for me. And it’s messages are scary. Try to turn it off, and the messages make it sound like everything is going to be deleted and lost. They need a better method of explaining how it’s going to work, and make it more predictable. I’ve done a lot of fighting with iCloud for friends. I would never use it as an integrated file management system.

For me, the easiest, most consistent, and functional method is Microsoft OneDrive, and Office 365.
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