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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 5, 2007
Hey guys, I saw Adobe's Minimalistic symbol for photoshop here: (all the way down)

and I set out to create one for Adobe Illustrator for fun.

I came up with this:

I dont feel 100% about it, and I feel it needs something (not fine tuning wise) but with the design of the Ai.

What do you guys think? Or maybe you have another idea for this kind of AI icon you'd like to share.

(Im gonna make some .icns and throw em onto deviantart)
Make the gradient less drastic, so less noticeable. As well as taking the AI from 100% black to 95% or so.
I would also round off the internal corners to match the corners directly below- as in this rough....

EDIT: I will still stick with this (as it seems that since the corners on the "A" are all rounded the "i" should be too, but I have to admit that I missed the "i" part of it altogether at first! Whoops. :(


  • p6.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 90
Make the gradient less drastic, so less noticeable. As well as taking the AI from 100% black to 95% or so.

Ah most definitely. what i posted was just to show the general idea. the A / I part is what im really stumped on.

My goal is just to come up with an Ai icon that will look appropriate sitting next to Adobe's PS symbol in my Dock/on my desktop.

My main goal was just to go minimalisitc and I tried fitting the 'i' into the 'A'.

While witty/clever it seems to be hard to execute properly. Any ideas / complete redesign pointers/advice?

(Im a comp engineer major, but Graphic Design is something i enjoy dabbling in)
I've sketchstormed some other shapes and vectored a few of them.


What do you guys think about this?

Again, im trying to create an icon that would look good next to the PS icon in a Dock. Something similar to that 'P' but for Adobe Illustrator.

Im leaning toward the lower middle atm.
Well to MY eye I have to say that the original design would be the keeper rather than any of these. I think it would be important to keep the circle in the design as a coordinating element with the PS icon, and neither of the ones in the new designs that have the circle really do it for me.

As somebody mentioned earlier, I still think the gradient is too radical of a color shift from top to bottom too although I realize you are still concentrating on the symbol itself at this point. ;)
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