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No matter what I do all my AIFF files show a previerw of a black square with a grey music note. I do not want it I want the normal iTune one, blue itunes circle with aiff below it.

How do I fix this, I change things in Get Info but it remains the same.

I think if you repair your permissions it will be better.

OHH thats right! NO INSTALL DISKS any more!

You could use a thrrd party UTILITY such as cocktail to do it

I have no idea what OS your under
I think if you repair your permissions it will be better.

OHH thats right! NO INSTALL DISKS any more!

You could use a thrrd party UTILITY such as cocktail to do it

I have no idea what OS your under

You don't need install disc's for permissions repair. If they can execute the file they do not need to repair permissions and permissions repair only effects the root (/)volume not anything in the user folders.
The issue was icon preview in "Show View Options". Uncheck "Show Icon Preview". Just in case someone finds this 100 years from now.
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