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Original poster
Jan 15, 2006
The Kop
New to the iPhone (hacking) world but I got given a hacked iPhone for christmas and was wanting to update it to a newer version.

I am more than a little overwhelmed with it all and have been reading through various guides and information, mainly hackthatphone. However I am a little confused at my starting point. I have a hacked iPhone that is currently on 1.0.2 and working with an 02 UK simcard it has firware version 04.02.13_G.

I have no idea how it was hacked and if that even matters.

Based on this tiny amount of information can anyone tell me where to start as I would like to update it to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 and if this is even possible.
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are you sure it's on 1.0.2?
The baseband be from a 1.1.2 phone release so I don't understand why the phone would be that low a version. If it is you can go to 1.1.2 via 1.1.1 but have to do the following:
upgrade to 1.1.1
run ok2prep
upgrade to 1.1.2
jailbreak again
It reports as 1.0.2 in Settings - General - About

A little more information,

Version 1.0.2 (1C28)
Modem Firmware 04.02.13_G

And when I run bbupdater -v it reports back

firmware: DEV ICE MODEM 04.02.13 G
eep version: EEP VERSION: 208
eep revision: EEP REVISION: 1
bootloader: BOOTLOADER VERSION: 4.6 M3S2

I thought it wasn't possible to unlock the iPhone if it has bootloader 4.6

When I got the phone it had an 02 simcard in it but that simcard didn't seem to be able to do anything, i.e. connect to the network.

Edit: It is a week 43 iPhone if that makes any difference.

From everything I have read it is a really weird combination.
OK I think I have worked it out.

It seems as if the iPhone as jaibroken and then had its adtivation bypassed. (does this ring true).

Another question that is spawned from this if I upgrade it to 1.1.2 can I then later downgrade it to 1.0.2 (I am assuming this to be the case as it appears to be what was done in the first place)
Yes, you can upgrade/downgrade to any version with the proper software (iBrickr, etc).

It seems you have the new 4.6 bootloader. You can jailbreak and use it as an ipod touch, but you will not be able to unlock it to use the phone features.
But I have been using the phone features already that is what is confusing about this all. That was on 1.0.2 and I think i messed it up as I upgraded to 1.1.2 and then downgraded to 1.1.1. Still trying to work out how to get the phone part back.

I have been using it with an 02 simcard however not the official iPhone contract.
As the phone has not been unlocked, I suggest that you just start over again, restore to 1.1.2 and jailbreak it yourself
That is an out of box 1.1.2 phone (bootloader 4.6).
Phone feature will work with the default carrier after activation.

It's at 1.0.2 because it takes time to figure out how to hactivate the iPhone,
the person probably gave up on the additional steps after figuring how to get it to that point. =p

For future reference,
Version -> Firmware = 1.0.2
Modem Firmware -> Baseband = 04.02.13_G

All iPhones can be made to work on 1.1.2. Phone part will depend on variety of factors.
Thanks for the help everyone.

What I have done is updated to 1.1.1 then 1.1.2 and jailbroke it and now it is back working with 02 :D
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