I was working on a friend's cMP 4,1 single processor machine recently when I noticed something about the motherboard.
Along side the CPU socket are a number of small, square devices arranged in a straight line. There appears to be some sort of relationship with the heat sink for these, as there looked to be a piece of foam tape or other material along the heat sink that comes into contact with these devices when the heat sink is in place.
I noted these as there appeared to be what looked like evidence of liquid or something on the motherboard in this area as well. I didn't attempt to clean it off, but I had some concerns about what it was and how it might relate to these devices, thinking they might be capacitors and they were leaking.
I've attached a picture to identify what I'm talking about. What are these, and is their proximity/relationship to the heat sink critical?
Along side the CPU socket are a number of small, square devices arranged in a straight line. There appears to be some sort of relationship with the heat sink for these, as there looked to be a piece of foam tape or other material along the heat sink that comes into contact with these devices when the heat sink is in place.
I noted these as there appeared to be what looked like evidence of liquid or something on the motherboard in this area as well. I didn't attempt to clean it off, but I had some concerns about what it was and how it might relate to these devices, thinking they might be capacitors and they were leaking.
I've attached a picture to identify what I'm talking about. What are these, and is their proximity/relationship to the heat sink critical?