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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 11, 2007
I was looking for a file from a few months back to check a figure, and couldn't find it in the Time Machine backup for that date. The folder in question is stored on my Mobileme iDisk, and I have 'iDisk sync' enabled, so I have an iDisk image on my desktop. I also access the iDisk from my laptop so it makes accessing work files from different machines a breeze.

Does Time Machine not backup the sync'd iDisk copy? I thought it did, and there was me for an entire year happy in the (supposed) knowledge that I had a triple-redundant backup of the work folders.

Can anyone explain definitely what the deal is here?
I was looking for a file from a few months back to check a figure, and couldn't find it in the Time Machine backup for that date. The folder in question is stored on my Mobileme iDisk, and I have 'iDisk sync' enabled, so I have an iDisk image on my desktop. I also access the iDisk from my laptop so it makes accessing work files from different machines a breeze.

Does Time Machine not backup the sync'd iDisk copy? I thought it did, and there was me for an entire year happy in the (supposed) knowledge that I had a triple-redundant backup of the work folders.

Can anyone explain definitely what the deal is here?

Yes it does but it does it by coping the sparsebundle file located in your user/library/filesync folder. This file represents your WHOLE iDisk contents (in one big ball...) if you have local iDisk turned on. If local iDisk is turned off, the file does not exist...

In order to backup your individual, local iDisk files and folders it would be best to use another backup utility such as SuperDuper, Carbon Copy Cloaner etc. Of course, with these you will not be able to "go back in time" to get an individual file as you can with TM. If that is your goal, you will need to copy the individual files and folders to your local drive and let TM do its thing.

I hope this helps you...
Thanks, I have located the file you mentioned. So if I can get it straight, if the unthinkable apocalyptic event happened and the iDisk cloud was destroyed / unobtainable, and my Mac Pro was trashed, and the only copy of all my stuff was on my Mybook 1TB external drive...

What I mean is, I'm sitting at my desk, no Apple iDisk available, and no Mac, just the external drive.

So I buy a new computer - can I restore what was on the iDisk from the Time Machine copies?
Thanks, I have located the file you mentioned. So if I can get it straight, if the unthinkable apocalyptic event happened and the iDisk cloud was destroyed / unobtainable, and my Mac Pro was trashed, and the only copy of all my stuff was on my Mybook 1TB external drive...

What I mean is, I'm sitting at my desk, no Apple iDisk available, and no Mac, just the external drive.

So I buy a new computer - can I restore what was on the iDisk from the Time Machine copies?

I have never done it before but yes.... If you opened the sparseimage bundle that is your iDisk (on your TM backup) then you would (or should) have the contents of your iDisk.

If you have ever turned off the local copy of your iDisk and seen the previous copy of your iDisk that appears on your desktop that "IS" your iDisk - sparseimagebundle
Thanks but I'm not sure it answers my specific question.

I'm afraid I'm still a bit confused.
Thanks but I'm not sure it answers my specific question.

I'm afraid I'm still a bit confused.

Why, he just explained it all?

"I have never done it before but yes.... If you opened the sparseimage bundle that is your iDisk (on your TM backup) then you would (or should) have the contents of your iDisk.

If you have ever turned off the local copy of your iDisk and seen the previous copy of your iDisk that appears on your desktop that "IS" your iDisk - sparseimagebundle"
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