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Nick Turturro

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2003
Aliso Viejo, CA
When attempting to burn a dvd, iDVD freezes at this point:

"Stage 4: Multiplexing and Burning. Time remaining about 2 minutes." I've recreated the project keeping it as basic as possible. It's only 19 minutes long.

I'd certainly appreciate any suggestions.

Also, I'm new to this forum and don't know how to respond once I get an answer.

does it freeze or just seem to stall? does teh progress bar still move? This happened to me the bar still moved (it was animated) teh dvd bruning process takes very long on older G4 machines (min was a AGP G4) replay back with more info about what is happening... :D

The progress bar is animated but does not move and after about 5 hours made no progress after the 2 minute notice. It is definitely frozen: I cannot cancel or do anything else but force quit and reboot. My G4 is about 1 1/2 years old.

Thanks, Nick
Originally posted by Nick Turturro
The progress bar is animated but does not move and after about 5 hours made no progress after the 2 minute notice. It is definitely frozen: I cannot cancel or do anything else but force quit and reboot. My G4 is about 1 1/2 years old.

Thanks, Nick

I've heard about this bug before. I'd check the knowledge base over at and see if there is any info over there.


I'm new to this game as well, but am experiencing exactly the same issue as you are :confused:

If I ever some across the answer, I'll let you know and vice versa ?

I thought at first it was to do with my burner - I have a 1.25DP G4, with a self-installed Sony 4x DVD +-R drive, but it seems to burn stuff from Toast OK, including "backed up" DVDs from my own collection.

But it seems to bug out in iDVD 3.

I've read a few other comments about letting the movie fully encode before burning etc. but I think I'll need a good trawl through Apple's website, as suggested here.

I have been experiencing this problem for awhile, <with iDVD 3> and have been bothering my local area Genius at teh apple store... and it seemed to go away <the burning problem> when i would use my powerbook in an air conditioned environment. One thing i learned in my quest to get it to burn correctly, is that the DVD-R media is very sensative to humidity. I seemed to trash the most media when we had our most humid days. Not sure what kind pf place you're using your mac in... if it isnt air conditioned you might try an air conditioner. Running your mac in a cooler let humid environment as well as treating it like the princess it is, will help a lot. Odd i know, but try it.
Originally posted by rjeffreyproctor
One thing i learned in my quest to get it to burn correctly, is that the DVD-R media is very sensative to humidity. I seemed to trash the most media when we had our most humid days.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Interesting you should say this - I don't have air conditioning (Scotland isn't exactly the Mohave Desert) but I have noticed a sensitivity about the media.

I have found that burning a "backup" disc goes fine, and verifies fine, but when played, it seems to break up after about an hour. On taking the disc out and letting it cool down, as it seems to get very hot, it plays fine at the point it previously broke up. It isn't 100%, but is close enough to suggest that shop-bought burnt media are far more sensitive to their environment than heavier, pressed commercial discs.

However, a new twist is that I installed the latest iDVD update last night, and now get the error mentioned earlier regarding "there are no volumes on this disc" etc, which is not even as far as I got before.

Rip, Mix and Burn ? Well, 2 out of three aint bad I suppose. I just get frustrated that the software is so very good at what it does (makes creating DVDs a doddle), but shoots over the crossbar when it comes to the end product (a burnt DVD). These are reasons why I can't convince my mates to "Switch To Mac" .....


p.s. What media are you using ?
DVD Media may be to blame

I have found MASSIVELY varying results with DVD media - When using Apple Branded DVD-R disks, I rarely, if ever have any problems, with some other disks, notably Unbranded "el-cheapo" disks or Verbatim DVD-Rs I have experienced similar problems. Also if you for some reason are using 4x DVD Media, ensure your superdrive is patched to latest firmware versions BEFORE IT SELF-DESTRUCTS. I also note that you say you have a SONY DVD-R / +R drive, not sure if this (as a non apple part-usually) will be supported using iDVD - DVD Studio Pro does work however with third Party Drives.

Good luck !
Re: DVD Media may be to blame

Originally posted by davegoody
I have found MASSIVELY varying results with DVD media - When using Apple Branded DVD-R disks, I rarely, if ever have any problems, with some other disks, notably Unbranded "el-cheapo" disks or Verbatim DVD-Rs I have experienced similar problems. Also if you for some reason are using 4x DVD Media, ensure your superdrive is patched to latest firmware versions BEFORE IT SELF-DESTRUCTS. I also note that you say you have a SONY DVD-R / +R drive, not sure if this (as a non apple part-usually) will be supported using iDVD - DVD Studio Pro does work however with third Party Drives.

Good luck !

So it looks like I may need DVD-Studio Pro. I bought and fitted the Sony drive because, from what I had/have read, the Pioneer had been dropped (for supply reasons ?) and the Sony was going out into all new macs, with the firmware knobbled to support only DVD-R. So I'd be surprised if iDVD didn't support it - but then I actually have a DW-10 f'wared up to a DR-500, so I may be "pushing the envelope" a bit, although 4-speed writing under Toast seems to go faultlessly - so I suppose I really have to look at the media. But then, I object to paying £2+ per disc - surely the apple-branded discs are available in an identical "el-cheapo" version, in just the same way as yo could pay over the odds for an "Apple" approved hard-drive that you could pick up on the web for 30% less.

I wonder as well if using labels on the discs (big printed sticky white ones) affects the balance and hence the playback of the discs ? Always another potential issue.

So, I'll try to borrow a copy of DVD-Studio pro, and see what happens. Thanks for the reply.
FWIW - I had exactly the same problem at 3 minutes. It turned out that I had never set the Region Code on that drive, and once that was done the freeze came at "less than 1 minute".

On the Apple web site I found a discussion that suggested the power saver feature be disabled. I tried this - no difference - but I had been observing that when I tried to cancel iDVD after a freeze, I could hear disks and things spinning up, and I had also convinced myself that the superdrive never tried to write the DVD at all during the 75+ minute process ( it never occurred to me to pull down the flap and see if I could see the laser glowing, and the activity light flashing ).

Once I went back to the power saver and stopped the hard disk from sleeping, my freezes stopped.

Hope this helps someone !
I've had a similar problem. I have a dual G5, with Mac OS X Panther with the latest update, and with the latest version of iMovie and iDVD. And my problem was that iDVD would freeze everytime I tried to burn a DVD, regardless of the amount of video that i tried to fit on the DVD(I've tried it with 5 minutes of video and with 56 minutes of video) It would always freeze during the asset encoding stage (stage 3), and the mouse cursor would freeze at that point too, and I was unable to force quit the program, and so I would have to power down and restart to get the computer to work again. I have successfully burned DVD's before(using preinstalled versions of iDVD and iMovie), with the Jaguar version of OS X that came installed with the computer a few months ago. I was hesitant to reinstall the Jaguar version of OS X now as a possible fix to the problem, because I have about 70 gb of video on the hard drive which I don't want to wipe out, plus I paid for Panther and for iLife and it's supposed to work. My first guess regarding why iDVD would freeze, was that the hard drive was going to sleep, but that really doesn't make sense- because i only have one hard drive and the encoding process would be reading data continuously from it(via the RAM), but I shut off all energy saver functions, so nothing goes to sleep, and that didn't solve the problem. I also noticed that when I first hit the Burn botton in the iDVD screen, it begins to work successfully, with the progress bar beginning to show progress, and the time to complete ticks off a minute or so, and when the asset encoding phase begins, the computer's fans start up and operate at full speed. But then the freeze occurs, and the progress bar stops indicating progress and the minutes to complete text remains unchanged(for hours/until i do a hard reboot) and the cursor is frozen. I think this is a software issue, possibly an infinite loop, since the fans continue at full blast while the program freezes, which I'm guessing i can attribute to intense processing.
Okay, I got iDVD to work again, encoded and burnt a DVD successfully. First of all, this is what i did to fix it. I searched the apple support forums and tech pages - didn't find anything that specifically pertains to this problem- but i did get the idea that certain combinations of installer versions can cause irregular behavior. So I got out the original cd that came with my mac(Mac OS X version 10.2.7{G5}), and ran the software restore program, selecting only the iDVD application- which took me through the install procedure for iDVD. (I did not remove the updated version of iDVD that was already in the applications folder on my hard drive) The installer ran fine. Next I looked to see if i now had two installations of iDVDresiding side by side, and found only iDVD version 3.0.1, so i started up the program and imported 56 minutes of video and hit the Burn button, and everything went smoothly thru all 4 stages of the procedure- and the DVD works fine.
I think that the problem that i was experiencing may have been caused by the fact that I had loaded OS X Panther on a completely empty/formatted hard drive, and it did not load iDVD for me, so I loaded iDVD from the iLife software suite, instead of from the original System Software Restore CD, and this was the source of incompatibility- although i don't know why it wouldn't be compatible.
I hope this is story is helpful to somebody else out there.
Further to my previous rant.

I finally got iDVD to work with the Sony drive by downloading a hacked config file that specifies what drives are supported.

Now works perfectly, but I'm still trying to find the ideal media. Tried Princo white-top x4 disks - now have a nice set of novelty coasters ...... or a Pat Butcher earring-kit.

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