Okay, here is the situation. I have a project I made in iMovie (FCP3 hadn't arrived yet). It is shot in PAL video format. I made a DVD of it which plays fine in PAL players. I wanted to make a copy I can play on an NTSC machine and have done this by selecting NTSC project format on the iDVD preferences. So I am living in Europe and have my American Playstation2 here which I have running through a NTSC-->PAL box. So I tested the DVD on the playstation and the NTSC format disk plays fine. My question is: Is the disk playing and being displayed fine because iDVD coded the entire movie in NTSC..... OR.... is it because the tv is PAL the video looks fine now because it is still in PAL format and that when I try to play it on a real NTSC TV the video won't play properly???? Any video wizzes know the answer to this connundrum?