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macrumors Pentium
Original poster
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
My professor for my computing internals class is a worthless prick and can't teach anything in a coherent manner. And I suppose worthless teachers choose worthless textbooks because our book has 1 whole page dedicated to this concept and not a single example :rolleyes: Can someone recommend a good site that explains step by step on converting floating points to and from binary? I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it has examples, but it doesn't actually explain anything, kinda like my teacher. Something that has a ton of examples and step by step instructions would be handy. Thanks.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Well these are the lecture notes I have on the subject, I dunno how useful they will be.

If you put the Mac Calculator into Programmer mode (View==>Programmer) it displays the binary version of a number.
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