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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 6, 2009
Melbourne Australia
So WWDC has passed and no major changes were announced, i assume come october there might be the introducation of a new or extra port and a possible bump in the video card ok so heres my question.

I'am getting the imac 27inch with i7 and 8gb of ram I know starcraft 2 will run ok on it how about future blizzard games like diablo 3.

Should i find a new mac at bargin price should i go for it or wait because the form factor is going to change or the video is going feature a 1gb of ram.
I've heard that Diablo 3 is supposed to be an insane resource hog. If you need a computer, buy a computer. If you can make do with what you have for a few more months, hold out and make your dollar go further.

To summarize many of the threads on the forum:

The existing top-of-the-line 27" i7 iMac isn't "bad" by any means, but it hasn't had an update since October of last year and the price has remained constant. So, the technology is a little bit older. Aside from the video card, I think most of the people here agree that the i5/i7 chip is pretty solid technology.
You are fine getting the i7 iMac.

i hope so i know macs use lower system requirements than pcs as they hardly update their systems i saw the starcraft 2 requirement i know i have no probs there i dunno about diablo 3 but i assume i will still be able to play to it.
If you'll be wanting to max out starcraft2 at native resolution on the i7 iMac, you'll want to get a copy of windows7 and install it through bootcamp. As it stands, the current version of OSX can not play starcraft2 half as well as windows7.

Starcraft2 @2560x1440; everything at highest setting spare portraits to 2d: 15fps on OSX.
Starcraft2 @2560x1440; everything at highest settings spare portraits to 2d:
30fps on Windows7

Both of those numbers are from the beta, so they don't include anti-aliasing. However, Starcraft features very fine models, so anti-aliasing isn't needed.

I know one of the big details for Apple's testing of 10.6.4 is graphics drivers, so maybe they'll close the gap in gaming performance.

Oh, and on another note. Starcraft2 is otherwise a very easy game on the gpu, with the exception of its shaders. In one article, Blizzard acknowledged they designed the shaders for their games to be very gpu intensive. If you max everything out, with shaders set to only medium or high, you'll gain 40 or so fps.
I did not buy my imac yet "my imac" but i got about a $246 dollar discount i dunno if i should wait and is there is no telling whether the video card will be changed or if it is going to be 1gb
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