hi, i was looking into buying an iMac, but i wanted to know if i pay by month, will i get it immediately, or will i have to pay off the whole computer before they ship it to me? thanks in advance!
Pay it off quickly.
Yes, but not a wise thing to do usually. If you don't understand financing, I'd highly suggest saving up the cash first.
yes, that's what a credit card does - buy now, pay later
oh so i get the computer, then i pay for every month right? thats good becuz i really wanted one, cuz i have a aluminum macbook, and i was trying to sell my hp laptop and desktop, but now i can just get it right away instead of waiting! woo!
If you go to Apples website, I think you have to go to the iMac page and click purchase, you will see this offer. Apple is offering on approved credit of course, same as cash financing for 12-months for purchases over $900 using the new Barclay Card Financing Visa Card. Good luck!
And this is why we're in a credit crisis.
Just out of curiosity, how old are you anyways? Because you don't seem to have any understanding of credit and financing which makes me think you aren't 18 and thus not eligible to finance it anyways.
And if you can't pay it off, Obama will come along and give you a bailout to pay it off for you.
Of course that means that ultimately the taxpayers will end up paying for it at 100X the actual cost, but then again maybe they will get free health care in the mean time?
im 13, but my dad is a used car dealer and he finances stuff all the time, so he'll know what to do, all i wanted to know is that i dont have to pay 1200 bucks right away =D lol
Bailout for consumers?When does this start? I got an AMEX I need a 2k bailout on! So I can use it to purchase a 2010 Mac Pro. It still smoking from my 09 MP Quad i bought in June! I read the rumors and posts almost everyday for the last 3 years and I've never posted or commented. I just came on 2 say: THIS IS A SITE TO HELP OTHERS, GET OFF OBAMA"S D#*K!
And to the OP, buy what you want. If you get approved, just pay it off well in advance of the alotted time.
At 13 you can't apply for credit and your father, as a presumably functioning adult, should probably refrain from financing a piece of tech that will be outdated before he actually pays the bill. Deaf ears no doubt, deaf ears.
More is not only on the way, there are still many many loans to modify. Some deserving some are just loans belonging to mindless twunts who shouldn't have had a loan in the first place with their 60% DTI and 500 FICO.The consumer bailout already happened, didn't you hear about al the people who got their mortgages reduced, or refined? And I wouldn't be surprised if more is on the way.