Hi, just joined this site, have a question for other jailbreakers. I don't have internet where I live, however, perfect 4G service but I only have a 2GB data plan with AT&T. I wanted to play xbox live, which I started to do so using the "personal hotspot" (AKA tethering) but I noticed it uses ALOT of data. I'm tired of paying these outrages prices and I heard if I jailbreak my IPhone I can get "PDANet/TetherMe" and do it for FREE. So my main question: If I jailbreak my iphone and purchase a jailbroken app, (pdanet or tetherme) I can use as much data as I want without being charged? So basically what it boils down to is, I'm paying for 2GB's of data/month, but I'm really tethering unlimitedly for free?
(Sorry if what I'm saying is a bunch of Mumbo-jumbo, I'm new to jail breaking!)
P.S. I also heard that these apps that cydia provides are made to cloak ur device so ur undetectable, but some people have claimed to have gotten caught by their service provider an threatened. If I set up a good working free VPN on my phone, will this help in masking my tethering?
(iPhone 4S)
Please help, thanks!!
(Sorry if what I'm saying is a bunch of Mumbo-jumbo, I'm new to jail breaking!)
P.S. I also heard that these apps that cydia provides are made to cloak ur device so ur undetectable, but some people have claimed to have gotten caught by their service provider an threatened. If I set up a good working free VPN on my phone, will this help in masking my tethering?
(iPhone 4S)
Please help, thanks!!