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Benjamindaines said:
(I think it was actually made by someone that works for MS)
It was produced by Microsoft's Graphic Design department, presumably to show the executives what needs to happen, as in every business it is always the executives with no sense of design that direct their company's designs. Luckily either Apple's execs do have a design sense or they are smart enough to know that they don't and trust their experts more.

Of course, no one knows who leaked it to the public.

If the net connection here wasn't playing up so much I would watch that video again, haven't seen it in months, forgotten which annoying music was used!
lol. I think that is sooo true! "we can make better use of this space" Typical MS:rolleyes: That music in that video is also quite suitable (and irritating)
I found that on Google Video a while ago. It's funny.

Now that I look at that video, I realize how fat the original iPod is.
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