Obviously nothing is stated as fact, but chances are there wont be a new MP this year until Intel get's Ivy Bridge out to manufactures. I was hoping for a release this year so i can write off about 5-6k for tax time.
I'm not sure what to do. Any body have suggestions? I'm still planning on purchasing the MP if and when it comes out, I need an (apple) workhorse for 3D animation and 4k video workflow..
I'm aware i can buy $5000 in
gift cards,
Obviously nothing is stated as fact, but chances are there wont be a new MP this year until Intel get's Ivy Bridge out to manufactures. I was hoping for a release this year so i can write off about 5-6k for tax time.
I'm not sure what to do. Any body have suggestions? I'm still planning on purchasing the MP if and when it comes out, I need an (apple) workhorse for 3D animation and 4k video workflow..
I'm aware i can buy $5000 in