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Still bitching about final cut pro? Everyone has moved on, final cut pro x in its current form is being well recieved and they are working on a lot of new stuff for it.

Sure they royally ****ed up the launch but hey everyone makes mistakes but unlike most people they are fixing it.

Professionals will always whine, artists just get on with it.
I think the hostile response from others is because this topic is akin to beating a dead horse. A horse, that only Apple can speak for, and whose thoughts many have speculated on but nobody will ever discover until Apple actually do something.
Uhhhh. Even the article admits that the Mac Pro worrying is out of touch.

"This comes at a bad time. Mac Pro is long in the tooth and pundits speculate and seemingly seem to relish encouraging its demise because they can write and function entirely on a MacBook Air and do the FCP tutorials too," Alper said. "Pundits, I might add, who have never dealt with managing seven [years] worth of Antiques Roadshow being repackaged and encoded for the Web. Pundits who have never had 3.5TB single projects."

Honestly, I'm sure some production houses are moving away from FCPX, but I'm not seeing an ecosystem collapse around it.

I'm kind of amused that one of the biggest complaints in the article is tape output. I know some people still have workflows around it, but really? Even the article grumbling-ly admits that tapeless is probably the way to go in the future.

Edit: Wait, this article was in January? Before the new FCPX announcements? This thing is out of date trollbait...
This article is out of date.

Since then, FCP X has gotten an update, and another one is lying ahead.

Since then, Adobe Premiere CS 6 has come out, picking up some of FCP X's new features. It has been called "not daring enough" in reviews and "ugly interface".

With FCP X, motion 5 gives you basically the functionality of After Effects, incorporating features from Shake. General reviews state that it's much more intuitive than After Effects (a general strength of Apple's interfaces).

I'd say we'll soon see people coming back from overpriced Adobe to Apple.

I have taken a look at Adobe's overpriced "Production Premium". No, thanks. I'll upgrade to Photoshop CS6, but all the other Adobe stuff is not interesting to me.

From what I see, FCP X exercises one of Apple's core strengths: to create an intuitive software where you can focus on story telling more than in others. And story telling is the heart of filmmaking.

It will be running on my machine after the next upgrade, and I look forward to ditching Final Cut Pro 6.

PS: those "real pros" who constantly say how "pro" they are, are not the real pros.
"Real" pros as opposed to what? If you make money with your Mac you are "pro". No one is more pro than anyone else as that is an impossible statement and idea.
The really interesting thing about Production Premium is honestly the rental model. That's a pretty decent deal. However, FCPX/Motion is also priced very well.
The really interesting thing about Production Premium is honestly the rental model. That's a pretty decent deal. However, FCPX/Motion is also priced very well.

I don't think $ 600 a year is a good deal.

FCP X / motion 5 (both with a lot more development to come) are the much better deal at $450 with an unlimited license.

Adobe Cloud is an unbreathable toxic gas.
I don't think $ 600 a year is a good deal.

FCP X / motion 5 (both with a lot more development to come) are the much better deal at $450 with an unlimited license.

Adobe Cloud is an unbreathable toxic gas.

$600 a year is, of course, much better than the old purchase/upgrade prices for master collection. :)
First of all I think the mac pro will be updated, I never thought other wise. There has never been a blade of evidence that it is to get side railed. All the doom and gloom I read on here has no grounds. So when I read the article it made me think that maybe there is some truth to all the foolishness I have read on here. Im sorry but I didn't think a few months is out of date since you guys have been freaking out about this for a year now. It was the comments on the mac pro itself in the article I noticed not FCP. So I think I will stay away from posting here anymore and just read the helpful stuff that comes from those here that are not crazy. Some of you need to get out side.
I don't think $ 600 a year is a good deal.

FCP X / motion 5 (both with a lot more development to come) are the much better deal at $450 with an unlimited license.

Adobe Cloud is an unbreathable toxic gas.

Creative cloud gives you way more than just Premier/after effects.

Its an excellent deal for those of us who are starting out as freelance, it gives us access to all the programs we need, while not requiring much capital upfront. Some may argue Premier isn't good, but it does get the job done well, and after effects and photoshop both are excellent, along with some other adobe programs that are part of the package.
It's simple.

The days of Apple catering to people that spend 10 thousand dollars on an app is gone.

Even Autodesk gets the message. They dropped Smoke from 15 thousand to 3.5 thousand dollars.

In short much of the industry realizes that the "viable" market is much larger when you start to address the "prosumer" budget.

Apple's not losing ANY money from people leaving because the pricing of Final Cut X and Logic Pro now puts them into so many more seats.
As a "prosumer" who doesn't make a living off FCPX, I love it. :cool:
As a "prosumer" who doesn't make a living off FCPX, I love it. :cool:

I'd "guess" that a lot of Pros bitching are the ones that like their lofty status. They don't want the Prosumer to have 4k acquisition or low cost color grading.

At some point the bar of entry for Pro level stuff was way beyond the hobbyist. Now the tables are turning and someone with a powerful Mac and FCPX/CS6 or Avid and some nice hardware/software plugins can deliver some pretty powerful projects.

A win/win for us all. I think the days of ridiculously priced software is coming to an end.
First of all I think the mac pro will be updated, I never thought other wise. There has never been a blade of evidence that it is to get side railed. All the doom and gloom I read on here has no grounds. So when I read the article it made me think that maybe there is some truth to all the foolishness I have read on here. Im sorry but I didn't think a few months is out of date since you guys have been freaking out about this for a year now. It was the comments on the mac pro itself in the article I noticed not FCP. So I think I will stay away from posting here anymore and just read the helpful stuff that comes from those here that are not crazy. Some of you need to get out side.

Hmm now I'm confused...
$600 a year is, of course, much better than the old purchase/upgrade prices for master collection. :)

Creative cloud gives you way more than just Premier/after effects.

Its an excellent deal for those of us who are starting out as freelance, it gives us access to all the programs we need, while not requiring much capital upfront. Some may argue Premier isn't good, but it does get the job done well, and after effects and photoshop both are excellent, along with some other adobe programs that are part of the package.

Only if you are using many Adobe apps.

For those who just need a couple of them or just Photoshop, it's a bad deal.

On top, the upgrade policy of Adobe is the most ridiculous in the industry. Not one other company requires you to buy the entire software if you just miss one upgrade.

This is an arrogant and greedy attitude.

I'll stick with Photoshop as my only Adobe app.

Gladly, I like Apple's video editing package much better than Adobe's, so as far as I'm concerned, the Adobe cloud is just smoke without a fire.
I think the hostile response from others is because this topic is akin to beating a dead horse. A horse, that only Apple can speak for, and whose thoughts many have speculated on but nobody will ever discover until Apple actually do something.

I believe that if that analogy were true, a massive amount of posts on this forum would also qualify as dead horses.

My belief regarding hostility & hating as demonstrated in this forum, is the product of misplaced insecurity & fear.

Apples already a dramatic success in nearly every segment they compete in. So why the drama? Must be immaturity :eek:
*stares at his current workflow, which involves C, Python, R, and SAS*

What does someone being pissed off about Final Cut Pro have to do with any of that? There is no such thing as some sort of glowing "REAL Pro" sign, and if there is, it certainly isn't restricted to a single industry.
I'd "guess" that a lot of Pros bitching are the ones that like their lofty status. They don't want the Prosumer to have 4k acquisition or low cost color grading.

At some point the bar of entry for Pro level stuff was way beyond the hobbyist. Now the tables are turning and someone with a powerful Mac and FCPX/CS6 or Avid and some nice hardware/software plugins can deliver some pretty powerful projects.

A win/win for us all. I think the days of ridiculously priced software is coming to an end.

I can make something great in windows movie maker if I wanted to. Cheaper editing software does not mean an influx of brilliant filmmakers. Look at the DSLR revolution. For a short time there was an increase in "Video Pros" due mainly to a ton of people picking up a cheap 5D/7D and getting some jobs in. But people saw through that crap pretty quickly and many have gone back to what works. Talent is defined by the individual, not the gear they have of use.
I believe that if that analogy were true, a massive amount of posts on this forum would also qualify as dead horses.

My belief regarding hostility & hating as demonstrated in this forum, is the product of misplaced insecurity & fear.

Apples already a dramatic success in nearly every segment they compete in. So why the drama? Must be immaturity :eek:

Hostility, hating, insecurity, fear, drama and insecurity. You use these words in a reply to a random person? You can see insecurity and fear in everything if that is how you want perceive the world. You can make a drama out of anything if you wish. Lead by example, don't be immature
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