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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 21, 2012
If you haven't got El Capitan, get it now.

It is just about to be deleted from the mac app store and will no longer be legally available for download unless you already got it in which case it will be in purchases tab.

This is because Sierra is just about to be released.

EDIT: Actually a special build (15G1010) is available again for people with snow leopard or snow leopard server wanting to update to sierra who have to install el capitan first, as well as for people with computers which support el capitan but not sierra: This can also be downloaded through a snow leopard server virtual machine for those who do not fall into those two categories.
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While I agree its a good idea to download El Capitan just in case according to Apple document it seems Apple may have plans to keep El Capitan available long term?

According to that information one needs El Capitan for updating 10.6.8 to Sierra which suggest Apple plans to keep it available? Furthermore since El Capitan is the last supported OS for many Macs it makes sense to keep it available...
I also hoped that Apple would retain El Capitan, given that it is the first release that could only be acquired through the App Store (Lion and Mountain Lion could and can still be purchased in the Apple Store) and that drops hardware support. Apparently, Apple doesn’t think so.
I also hoped that Apple would retain El Capitan, given that it is the first release that could only be acquired through the App Store (Lion and Mountain Lion could and can still be purchased in the Apple Store) and that drops hardware support. Apparently, Apple doesn’t think so.
What's also insane is that on the Sierra How to Upgrade page, Apple never added the link to the Snow Leopard upgrade instructions.
What's also insane is that on the Sierra How to Upgrade page, Apple never added the link to the Snow Leopard upgrade instructions.
I'm fairly certain there isn't a direct to Sierra upgrade from 10.6 strangely enough even though hardware that supports Sierra could have very well shipped with it. I'm pretty sure they said 10.7.5 is the oldest OS that will update to it. Curious indeed.
The Ars Technica review does mention that Apple will have an upgrade path in place for unsupported devices, at least if I understood this correctly. It does not seem to be possible at the moment. Perhaps they will start ’selling’ redeemable codes on, like they do for Lion and Mountain Lion? The webpage does seem to indicate that something should be there.
And finally, Apple told us it would continue to offer an upgrade path to older Macs that stop at El Capitan but haven't yet been upgraded for whatever reason. While the installer will disappear from the public Mac App Store, anyone without the El Capitan installer already in their purchase history will be able to add it via an Apple support page.
Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 09.34.46.png

I'm fairly certain there isn't a direct to Sierra upgrade from 10.6 strangely enough even though hardware that supports Sierra could have very well shipped with it. I'm pretty sure they said 10.7.5 is the oldest OS that will update to it. Curious indeed.

It is absolutely puzzling that they require this. I almost suspect that they just did not bother compiling the installation application for Snow Leopard.
I didn't download El Captain and when I go to the app store its not there. I didn't realize they would remove it. I'm running Yosemite on my MB air. Do I have to illegally find EL C or can I go straight to Sierra? I saw somewhere that Sierra can do a clean install but I would hate to redo everything.
I didn't download El Captain and when I go to the app store its not there. I didn't realize they would remove it. I'm running Yosemite on my MB air. Do I have to illegally find EL C or can I go straight to Sierra? I saw somewhere that Sierra can do a clean install but I would hate to redo everything.
You can head straight to macOS Sierra from OS X Yosemite, no clean install or any other hitches required. The main issue here has to do with Snow Leopard upgraders or those with a Mac not supported with macOS Sierra.
El Capitan is back on the App Store but you can't search for it. You need to have a link.

You'll need a lot more than just a link.

I needed to download it via a snow leopard server virtual machine! This is a rather peculiar build and on most computers (even ones with el capitan already installed) it will say it can't be installed on it and won't let you download it.

I used the virtual machine to trick the mac app store into allowing me to download it.

It is build 15G1010 and is for computers with snow leopard or snow leopard server which you want to update to sierra. You can't go from snow leopard or snow leopard server straight to sierra. You have to install el capitan first.

Secondly it is for computers which can support el capitan but not sierra.

So it is not the normal El Capitan 10.11.6 build 15G31 that was there before Sierra was released. Furthermore the security update increases build 15G31 to 15G1004 not 15G1010.

The next security update should increase all three builds to a higher one.

And as I predicted, the normal El Capitan 10.11.6 build 15G31 is indeed gone from the mac app store now.

If you took my advice and got El Captian before Sierra was released you nevertheless will still be able to redownload build 15G31 via the purchases tab in the mac app store.
The download works just fine for me. It is indeed a separate store item though.
And I bet it isn't preserved in your purchases tab either. Unlike build 15G31.

That’s right. But many people have the same problem with Sierra. It seems that Apple has been shuffling around some things. When I downloaded it, it appeared under a “Other” category at the top in the Purchases list.

I don’t know why Apple has to be so bloody difficult. All they needed to do is keep the El Capitan store page and simply hide the link to it on devices that Sierra does not support. The App Store is clearly capable of doing this already.
Damn... I tend to stay about one OS upgrade behind now that they moved to the yearly system... went to go download El Capitan, and no longer on the App Store.

Any hints on direct Apple downloads? Or other trustworthy sites? Didn't think they'd be removing it from the App Store so quickly... I'm currently on 10.10.5.
They have a nasty habit of removing them whenever a new system is released.

I learn't that the hard way when mountain lion was released and lion disappeared.

Then they made snow leopard, lion and mountain lion available for purchase again.

Mavericks and yosemite did not get such a re-release.

But for technical reasons el capitan was re-released at

The re-releases of snow leopard, lion and mountain lion are here:

I doubt if sierra will get a re-release, so it would be best to purchase it before 10.13 is released.

If you purchased mavericks and yosemite then they should still be in your purchases tab in the mac app store.

When lion was re-released I bought it and it now appears in my purchases tab along with the rest of them.

Also if you are a developer you should know that snow leopard, snow leopard server as well as leopard and leopard server are available as free downloads in the mac dev center. They won't appear in purchases tab however.

These can be restored to a bootable usb and they boot and install much faster than from the dvd.
This works for Snow Leopard and Leopard only, apparently.
On the Yosemite App Store that link doesn't work.
When you're there it won't let you install anything.
I do have a SL clone back up, but what's in there for anyone else incapable of doing so?

I was able to download it from within a snow leopard server virtual machine. I then took it out of there and made a bootable usb.

I don't think you will be able to download it with leopard because that version has no mac app store.
This works for Snow Leopard and Leopard only, apparently.
On the Yosemite App Store that link doesn't work.
When you're there it won't let you install anything.
I do have a SL clone back up, but what's in there for anyone else incapable of doing so?

From Sierra the link at this page opens the App Store program and allows for download (build 15G1010):

At that page Apple indicates:
[one can do the] "installation in the evening so that it can complete overnight"
"the installer opens automatically" presumably one quits the installer in order to use later.
"OS X El Capitan won't install on top of a later version of macOS, but you can erase your disk first or install on another disk"

So I have question! Can one quit then re-start the installer? And if so select the desired drive (i.e. external).
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