I’m still using the Apple Keyboard cover I got for the 12.9. I sold the larger iPad to get the 10.5 and the old 12.9 keyboard cover works just fine with it.Yes. Asks for each.
Still waiting for the 1/2 price sale on the 9.7 ASK....
Same!!! I missed the sale at Verizon where they went on sale for $75.
I don't NEED one, but I'd bite if the 9.7" ASK were $75-80 brand new.
Ebay. You can find a mint one for that. Maybe not new but indistinguishable
I think I got mine for 80 months ago and came with
Original packaging and looked untouched even though I don't think it was
I have both the 9.7 and 10.5 and I have ASKs for both. Most of my interaction with both is via the keyboard and it would be way too awkward to swap a keyboard around. I like a complete package (iPP, back cover, ASK) that I can grab and go.
I know this is an few days old reply but how may I ask do you differentiate your use case for each device? I ask because I have a 12.9 (1st Gen) and 9.7 and I’m kicking around getting an ASK for the 9.7.
I know this is an few days old reply but how may I ask do you differentiate your use case for each device? I ask because I have a 12.9 (1st Gen) and 9.7 and I’m kicking around getting an ASK for the 9.7.
I think for me, having had 9.7 and ASK, i went 12.9 because i wanted a full size keyboard and that experience sized up with my gen 2 12.9
I can see how you’d be wrestling with the downsize use case coupled with ASK
I think the only real reason is you want to have a physical keyboard, tho crammed, for 9.7 situations on the go?
Now that I have 12.9 ASK, 9.7 does seem futile but then again I got jailbroken short cut keys for a lot of functionality on my 9.7 on iOS 10.2 (effectively adding a function row to the number row, by holding command and the # corresponding with hot keys on a Logitech like brightness/volume/playback/etc)
So that’s cool to tinker with
But i think upsizing use case is where it makes more sense,
Then again 9.7 ASK’s should be relatively cheap now for an end of life product. That’s why I wont get rid of mine, is i wont get much for my keyboard relative to the few times I wanna use it
Plus just looks boss having two iPads both with Smart Keyboards, laying around (or in ready to go mode)
Whichever one I happen to grab. I'm downstairs eating breakfast and typing this on the 9.7 right now. I'll take the 10.5 with me later today when I have to monitor an exam that may take 4 hours. Was using the 9.7 in bed (little easier to handle than the 10.5) but now that I have the Mini 4, I use it.
When we start spending weekends at our camp, I'll probably use the 10.5 because the larger screen is easier on my old eyes. The 10.5 gets used more but when I'm charging it, I use the 9.7.
I have three iPads (iPP 10.5, iPP 9.7, iP Mini 4), Android phone, two Android tablets, and four Amazon Fire tablets (plus a Kindle ereader), all of which I use, not to mention several Windows computers and tablets. There's just me in my household.
Definitely looks Boss lol
Interesting. I take my 12.9 with me to work along with my company issued laptop for my personal stuff but the 9.7 would lighten the work backpack a bit. Hmmm....
That’s another reason that swayed me to try 12.9 (main reason was I wanted a huge ipad this time, knowing I would keep 9.7 for those situations when I want smaller) in addition to 10.5 not feeling that different to me (landscape aside, but portrait I had my gripes with I’ve mentioned a few times from the trimmed side bezels) : I can use the official silicone case. Sorta.
There is nothing remotely fitting for 10.5 that is a good replacement for the official silicone case. It was a deal breaker for many. Kinda was with me too, turns out.
Both my 9.7 and 12.9 have matching charcoal grey silicone cases and ASK’s, and I think they look and feel fantastic
Caveat to 12.9 silicone case on gen 2: blocks flash, some mics, and one speaker hole I think per speaker
All have been non-issues to the extent that I dont wanna rip up this case to mod it... yet.
And i got it used for a fair price since its been out for a long while now, and sorta end of life, so that sweetened it more
honestly I think ASK works more on the 12.9 than 10.5..think smart cover is all you really on the smaller model