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Original poster
Oct 27, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
I read about this on TUAW. iPhone Ally is reporting that if you place the iPhone in DFU mode (similar to a restore mode), your iPhone will be unrecognized by a Mac running 10.5.6.

From TUAW:
"DFU mode is required to jailbreak your iPhone using many of the popular tools such as Pwnage or QuickPwn. So far there is no word from the iPhone Dev group on this finding. In doing our own research, we discovered that the problem does, in fact, exist. So, if you need to jailbreak your iPhone/iPod touch, you might want to hold off on updating your Mac."

This is the same problem that is being experienced by new aluminum MacBook and MBP owners that have tried to jailbreak.

I didn't see any thread about this, so I thought I'd pass along this info.

I know I'll be waiting a little while before I update.
I read about this on TUAW. iPhone Ally is reporting that if you place the iPhone in DFU mode (similar to a restore mode), your iPhone will be unrecognized by a Mac running 10.5.6.

From TUAW:
"DFU mode is required to jailbreak your iPhone using many of the popular tools such as Pwnage or QuickPwn. So far there is no word from the iPhone Dev group on this finding. In doing our own research, we discovered that the problem does, in fact, exist. So, if you need to jailbreak your iPhone/iPod touch, you might want to hold off on updating your Mac."

This is the same problem that is being experienced by new aluminum MacBook and MBP owners that have tried to jailbreak.

I didn't see any thread about this, so I thought I'd pass along this info.

I know I'll be waiting a little while before I update.

Wonder what happens if someone backs up their Mobile.kext and updates then restores...
I read about this on TUAW. iPhone Ally is reporting that if you place the iPhone in DFU mode (similar to a restore mode), your iPhone will be unrecognized by a Mac running 10.5.6.

From TUAW:
"DFU mode is required to jailbreak your iPhone using many of the popular tools such as Pwnage or QuickPwn. So far there is no word from the iPhone Dev group on this finding. In doing our own research, we discovered that the problem does, in fact, exist. So, if you need to jailbreak your iPhone/iPod touch, you might want to hold off on updating your Mac."

This is the same problem that is being experienced by new aluminum MacBook and MBP owners that have tried to jailbreak.

I didn't see any thread about this, so I thought I'd pass along this info.

I know I'll be waiting a little while before I update.

Crap - I just updated. My phone is already jailbroken though so hopefully this will not be a problem when the next update is available.
I just used QuickPwn on 10.5.6 with my girlfriend's iPhone 2G. It went into DFU mode fine and it was able to easily QuickPwn.

Then for fun, I put my iPod touch into DFU mode. iTunes detected it and it restored properly. I don't understand what people are crying about.

I have a Mac Pro by the way.
I just used QuickPwn on 10.5.6 with my girlfriend's iPhone 2G. It went into DFU mode fine and it was able to easily QuickPwn.

Then for fun, I put my iPod touch into DFU mode. iTunes detected it and it restored properly. I don't understand what people are crying about.

I have a Mac Pro by the way.

Well that's good to hear. Hopefully this was only experienced by people that aren't able to count and hold buttons down at the same time.

I hope your experience is more the norm than what the article is reporting.
If DFU mode does not work, its merely a glitch, apple would not remove the one sure fire way to restore an ipod from the system. If they did theyd get ALOT of lawsuits from people with bricked ipods (legitamite ones).

DFU exsists purely as a last resort, removing it doesnt make sense.
Well that's good to hear. Hopefully this was only experienced by people that aren't able to count and hold buttons down at the same time.

I hope your experience is more the norm than what the article is reporting.

I haven't tried it with my iPhone 3G yet. I've done both iPhone 2G and iPod touch and both worked. I had no idea that 10.5.6 was supposed to screw DFU mode up until after I did both of them. Then I read this and I was like... what?.. but, I just jailbroke 2 devices on 10.5.6. Sure enough, for the fun of it, I put my iPod touch back into DFU mode and it worked just fine. Heh, whatever.

Can anyone else confirm?
The quickpwn team are a pretty resourceful bunch, I'm sure they'll figure out whatever Apple can throw at them.
I figured out a fix! Don't plug it directly into the computer's USB port to put your iPhone into DFU. Plug it into a hub. I had mine plugged into my Apple Cinema Display... that's why it was able to work! Plug it into a Keyboard, a Display or a powered USB hub and it should go into DFU mode just fine. Sweet. Crisis averted!
I figured out a fix! Don't plug it directly into the computer's USB port to put your iPhone into DFU. Plug it into a hub. I had mine plugged into my Apple Cinema Display... that's why it was able to work! Plug it into a Keyboard, a Display or a powered USB hub and it should go into DFU mode just fine. Sweet. Crisis averted!

That's not a fix, it's a workaround. Maybe a temporary one.
It was already discovered if you read the comments section of the TUAW article (Chuck @ 8:18PM EST)
This "fix" has been around for soooo long. It's amazing that people are just now catching on.
So does anyone have the 10.5.5 seems having to use a USB hub isn't the ideal solution...especially for laptops
So does anyone have the 10.5.5 seems having to use a USB hub isn't the ideal solution...especially for laptops

I do! I just do not know what kext files to get. I looked in Extensions and there was only about 5 files that were modified yesterday. They all looked like Graphics files... not USB or MobileDevice files.
Damn does this mean the pwntool to unlock the 2g iphone will not work? I just upgraded yesterday. Damn it. I should have waiting. :mad:
From another thread:

I found a solution. It's not necessary to copy the whole IOUSBFamily.kext file. If you open the file, inside it are more kext files. You need to replace the following with a version from an old macbook:




Simply replacing them won't work. You have to copy the whole IOUSBFamily.kext folder to your desktop (for example), replace the above files(/folders) and then replace the whole folder in its original location like this:

open terminal, type
sudo -s
enter the password
then enter the following (replace "User" with your username):

rm -r /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
mv /Users/User/Desktop/IOUSBFamily.kext /System/Library/Extensions
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

Wait a few seconds for the Extensions file to rebuild itself and reboot the machine and you should be good to go.

My computer can now detect DFU and go to sleep normally :)

Ps. I'm still checking to see if this method can be further simplified and I will update accordingly.

I just did it... but, I'm not at home to check to see if it worked. (I did it over VNC)
I used a hub that was powered and it worked. I'm running 10.5.6 AND I'm on a unibody Macbook.

Could you tell me what USB hub model did you use? Because I been trying to jailbreak my iPhone but I get stuck in a white screen and I been using a USB hub thAt conects straight to the port.
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