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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2015
I have Quark 9.5.4; Illustrator CS6; Acrobat 10.1.13

I create a logo in Illustrator; take it into Quark and the logo looks rough to say the least. Then I create a PDF from the Quark document, via a Postscript file into Distiller, and the logo still looks bad in the PDF. However, if I open the PDF in Illustrator the logo looks great and likewise in Preview.

No matter if I create a PDF from the Illustrator file or an eps or take the .ai file into Quark - it still looks bad.

What settings do I need to adjust to get it looking good throughout all programmes? Am I going to get bad print results from the PDF?

Thanks in advance of any help
A first thing to try...

Try adjusting the DPI (dots per inch) in Quark from 72 (if that is what it is at) to 150 or 300 and see if that helps. It's sounds like this is just a problem resolving the image in Quark. I believe this because your initial design and final design both look correct. If the image were being changed in some way, the final image would not render properly.

You said that you created the logo in Illustrator, so I'm guessing that you created a vector logo and that you didn't use any raster art work (like jpeg or tiff), is that correct? Are you sure that you don't have any raster art in your Illustrator logo? You can check by opening the logo in Illustrator and then checking the "Links" palette, if anything shows up, then you have some mastered artwork and it is possible that it isn't high res enough. Just a thought.

No raster

Hi Mecha
Definitely no raster art in the original Illustrator file; purely vector


I see, that is odd. You said that it looks fine in Preview, have you tried opening it in Preview and then Save it as a PDF from there and then pull the PDF created from Preview into Quark? Just a thought.
Will try

Thanks Mecha, will try that and let you know if it solves the problem. In the meantime, do you know how to change the resolution in Quark?

I think what kd5jos was saying is that you might have modified your original logo after you placed it in your Quark file. If you have altered it, or moved it then it would just print a low res of the original file. You did check all your links in Quark and none of them are missing or need to be updated? I'm guessing that you already have checked this but if you haven't it is worth checking.



When you go to print your file in Quark, the Print Dialogue box has a place to set the DPI. Another thing to try is to create a PostScript file from your Quark file and then run it through Distiller and see if the PDF it produces is better.

Will check res in Print dialogue box, thanks for your help.


I do make my PDFs via a Postscript file and into Distiller

You might also try exporting the logo out of Illustrator as an EPS file and then put it into your Quark file and see if that helps. Let me know if you figure it out (or if something works)!

Good luck,
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