I extremely apologize if my thread is repetitive in any way. I did search throughout the forum (and other places) in order to answer my questions. Some questions have been answered yet I find myself more confused than ever. And sorry, this post is kind of long.
I will be getting my hands on an iPhone 3G this week thanks to a gracious friend that doesn't use it and will be canceling their AT&T contract. I'm on T-Mobile and need to unlock it in order to use it. As I'm told, the phone hasn't been updated to 3.0 yet. As I understand it, that is good b/c there is no unlock for it yet.
I found a website online that sells a program called iPhoneUnlocking that CLAIMS to unlock the 3.0 already. But I'm afraid to trust them. Everyone else seems to trust the Dev Team so I feel more comfortable using their programs.
It's my understanding the phone has to be jailbroken (which I learned lets you install 3rd party applications that aren't in the AppStore) in order to unlock.
But then I see QuickPwn, PwnageTool, Redsnow, Yellowsnow, ultrasnow... There is talk about baseband, cydia, installer, bootloaders, firmware, ipsw, iTune upgrades... Yellowsnow and QuickPwn don't go together.... I've tried to make sense of it but I just ended up with a Migraine (seriously) and no understanding of this at all.
If there is anyone out there kind enough to help a poor n00b girl like me I would really appreciate it. I feel like the most confused girl when it comes to the iPhone. I've never had one so I don't know what I'm doing and would like to start using it as soon as its in my hands. I'm afraid I'll turn it into an iBrick, as I've seen the term used around the internet.
Thanks in advance! And I hope I don't anger anyone for my lack of knowledge and possible post repetitiveness.
I will be getting my hands on an iPhone 3G this week thanks to a gracious friend that doesn't use it and will be canceling their AT&T contract. I'm on T-Mobile and need to unlock it in order to use it. As I'm told, the phone hasn't been updated to 3.0 yet. As I understand it, that is good b/c there is no unlock for it yet.
I found a website online that sells a program called iPhoneUnlocking that CLAIMS to unlock the 3.0 already. But I'm afraid to trust them. Everyone else seems to trust the Dev Team so I feel more comfortable using their programs.
It's my understanding the phone has to be jailbroken (which I learned lets you install 3rd party applications that aren't in the AppStore) in order to unlock.
But then I see QuickPwn, PwnageTool, Redsnow, Yellowsnow, ultrasnow... There is talk about baseband, cydia, installer, bootloaders, firmware, ipsw, iTune upgrades... Yellowsnow and QuickPwn don't go together.... I've tried to make sense of it but I just ended up with a Migraine (seriously) and no understanding of this at all.
If there is anyone out there kind enough to help a poor n00b girl like me I would really appreciate it. I feel like the most confused girl when it comes to the iPhone. I've never had one so I don't know what I'm doing and would like to start using it as soon as its in my hands. I'm afraid I'll turn it into an iBrick, as I've seen the term used around the internet.
Thanks in advance! And I hope I don't anger anyone for my lack of knowledge and possible post repetitiveness.