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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 28, 2007
Manchester UK
Hey guys

If my wife finds this out she'll kill me, so here I am telling you guys instead.

I've just been sorting through my old mailboxes and totalled all my itunes receipts out of curiosity and have discovered since the app store went live in 2008 I have spent ~£900 on IOS app store purchases! I'm in shock as to how I've managed to spend this much, I'm truly an app addict, I could have treated myself to a new mac for that much. All those times I thought to myself "its only 59p (now 69p), its nothing" really has caught up with me! To be fair I mainly purchase itunes codes for 20%ish discount, so the real world figure will be less than £900.

The types of apps I have downloaded are mainly games (which I never end up playing), productivity & photo apps. Throw in Tomtom and Navigon at full price there too. The most disappointing thing is that I rarely end up using anything I've downloaded in the long term or the developer just stops updating an app I paid good money for. I am also guilty of downloading apps which look cool (but I actually have no use for) featured on blogs like beautiful pixels. I've cut down alot in the last few months and try & use services like appsgonefree or the touch arcade app to alert me when there are game sales. My 32gb iphone used to be crammed full of folder upon folder of apps I never use, but now I try and keep just what I do actually use on there and browse the app store less often.

So, who else here is addicted to downloading apps and how much do you spend? I'm interested to see if there others here with the same problem!

Ps: I should for context add that the apps are downloaded for iPhone & iPad
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Not addicted but I don't hesitate to spend money on quality apps. And I don't feel bad about it because I don't spend money on games or entertainment apps. I haven't spent nearly as much as you have, maybe close to 300-400 dollars over the span of 3 years. The most I spent on one app was 60 dollars, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. I've bought dozens of dictionaries from the app store and they are on average 25 dollars. I continue to spend money because I have yet to find the perfect Spanish or English dictionary. The French, on the other hand, already have their perfect dictionary called Le Robert published by Diagonal, which can be had for about 5 dollars. But it sure beats the one I paid 50 dollars for. Incidentally, some of the best apps are free. Brainscape is free. The newspaper El Pais is free. The Britannica Encyclopedia is sort of free - you need a subscription to access its content. But a beautifully made app nonetheless.
I have spent about 400 USD in 3 years, however, I got the iTunes gift cards by selling a digital currency for them that had a real world value of only 220 USD.
Since early 2009, i've spent a total of 16.19 $ on the Appstore. I usually buy games for consoles and don't like spending money on apps or games for mobile devices. I never had jailbreak, I just never needed much. And what I wanted always got free at some point. I've been using an iPhone or iPad since 2009.
I don't have a problem purchasing apps (unless it's a new Twitter app. I have probably purchased every paid Twitter app in the App Store). Now music is a whole different entity. I buy songs and albums like it's my job.
Have you guys checked out my apps? lol :D

I think I can even be worse since I am in the industry. I pretty much buy all my competitors apps as well as anything I might like.

I try to buy everything with itunes giftcards since you can sometimes get them around 20% off but I have easily spent over 1k. The funny thing is I only have a 16gb device so not a lot are on my phone and I often go to buy and find out I already have it lol.
addicted to app addicts

Hello - awhile ago you posted that you were 'addicted to apps'. I'm working with the National Film Board of Canada and The Guardian newspaper on a project that looks at our online behaviours. App addiction (so called) is one of the things we're looking at. Would you be interested in flushing out your post a little bit for possible inclusion in our project?


Jen Moss.
I spend about $100 / year. I would probably spend more but the apps/games are so cheap. My biggest purchase was probably the final fantasy series
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